Люстра Caramella получила своё название благодаря сходству с карамельными конфетами. В ней сочетаются разноцветное стекло и золотой глянцевый металл, разнообр азные паттерны стёкол и современные LED источники света. Светильники Caramella прекрасно ...
We recommend this salon - a good assortment, an attentive consultant will show you and offer you a choice of light options for your design and wishes, tell you about the new possibilities of modern brands, and help you make the Right choice.
There are many payment methods, including by installment cards, remotely (online), cashless.
Thank you, we are not saying goodbye)
I liked everything - from the professional, friendly service to the modern and diverse assortment. I recommend it to anyone who needs light in the house.