Osiyoni yonida joylashgan Apteka umuman dabdala😡 Med personal prosto ujas 0 baho, juda sekin xizmat ko'rsatadi kamiga dorilardi analoglarini taqdim etishiyam bilmidi, Kassirda vapshe muomala madaniyati yöq!! Özi yarim soat kuttirib peshonamda nima qip turibdi deyishiga juda jahlim chiqdi, nima degna gap bu??! ,Nega xodimlarga o'rgatilmagan klientlar bn qanaqa muomala qilish kereligi ?? Vaphshe 0 baho, shunaqayam bo'ladimi? Özi 1 ta yulduzcha qöyishgayam arzimidi!
The green pharmacy, of course, does not need advertising! You can always find the necessary medications! But, I would like to see prices a little cheaper, and so not all microdistricts have a network of green pharmacies and activate a regular operator about information about the availability of drugs! Responsive and courteous staff!