The convenient station is warm, you can drink coffee, but you also need to make a toilet sign , otherwise it's not clear where it is, and these are platforms that are not the first, but two inside need to be made wider, and it's not very safe when two electric trains arrive, it's narrow and scary , Santa is 30 wider and higher, and it's inconvenient to climb into the train It's okay this way
I really want this railway station to be improved, modernized, for example, as the same Ratomka. Fanipol is the main satellite of Minsk, the population is huge, growing, developing, already with an avenue, a swimming pool, etc., and the station is to hug and cry. And it would be time to launch the schtadler Minsk-Fanipol, otherwise only Soviet dirty trains are running. Yes, they are warm, regular, but homeless people often sleep there, and not only, sometimes you are afraid of getting dirty on the air. The employees of the ticket office of this station are very cool, polite, cultured, pleasant!
An ordinary long-distance station. you can buy tickets and there is a waiting room, there is a coffee machine at the entrance, there is a penny across the street, which is very convenient.
A small railway station, standard uncomfortable iron chairs in the waiting room. There is no toilet in the building, only a terrible one on the street.
It is possible to pay with a virtual card from your phone.
There is no safe passage to the industrial territory, it is not as impossible to get around, so you have to violate and put your life in danger yet do not forget the police and fines for crossing the wrong place
It is necessary to change the coating of the platform, you can get hooked or twist your leg (And in winter it does not clear at all, snow porridge! And the rest of the service is on the level! Clean, beautiful)
A local trash object that has been longing for repairs. In the dark, it's creepy to be there, there's trouble with the lighting, barely one lamp is lit. A sad sight
An ordinary little railway station. I was not inside, there is a toilet on the street, there are benches along the platform. There is a bus and minibus stop right in front of the station.
The station is normal, only as usual they put asphalt on the road, but they did not make a piece of the pedestrian path. The bridge over the railway road has not been made yet. People walk on the tracks.