Cool 2 days of rest.
Clean beach, lovely staff. They provide a barbecue, firewood can be bought.
It is very affordable if you take everything with you. It's a little expensive in the store.
We spent the night in a tent from Friday to Sunday. Comfortable, without unnecessary troubles.
We will come back for a pleasant time!
For Kapchagai, the level is above the average along the coast, for this money. There is a toilet, a bar, a dining room, places where you can comfortably eat, lie in the shade. The entrance is 5k with a car, the price tag for the rest is also charged. The coast is slightly rocky, but this is for June 2024, and now the coastline has risen very much. In general, everything is not bad.
Everything is very sad. From the smell in the house, to the infrastructure in the zone. The beach is nice. Elena is good as an administrator, in the sense that she managed to lure everything there. The prices are considerable, and there is no toilet paper in the houses. The water in the plumbing is terribly smelly. Boler for 10 liters of water. The guests are mostly ignorant, swear and revel in turning into animals. The music played until 00:30 at night. The condors are working. Instead of a bed sheet only. Mattresses with traces and which are already worth changing. The road here is terrible for a couple of kilimeters. It does not show correctly on the navigator. The dining room has a very poor menu.
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There were two days. We liked it. Without pathos, the room has air conditioning and a refrigerator, a barbecue is provided. The sandy beach, and the hood was lowered a lot, but a walk on the water is also pleasant.