The monastery of the Georgian Orthodox Church, they pretend not to speak Russian. We are not used to guests. To visit their temple and courtyard behind the second gate, you need to ask for the blessing of your mother. If the first gate is open, you can safely look behind it. Due to the strictness, it is available only to the Orthodox of any Orthodox church. It is necessary to drive up by car from the village, and not from the highway. You can get to the center of the village by a low car, but we didn't risk the last 100 meters and walked.
A historical monument on a hill in the northern part of the village (to the right of the road) is the 12th—century Mukhranbatoni Palace, which houses (founded in 2002) a miniature convent named after him. The Holy monk Alexy Shushania. Ikoti is a women's monastery, the charter is strict. Usually they are not allowed to go further than the courtyard and are asked to do without filming. There is a living room, a refectory, a library, and most importantly, a balcony with a view of the gorge floor. The interior has carved furniture, rugs and jugs in the Georgian style, old photos of the surrounding temples in each room (and earlier there were over 300 temples in the Ksansky gorge), comfort and tranquility everywhere