I can't get through for the second month: they don't pick up the phone, the fax turns on.
At 5:45 p.m. on May 28, 2024, the front door was closed, it looks like ZHES has made himself a shortened working day.
Everything that dissatisfied citizens write here is absolutely not interesting to the Housing Department, the fax is still turned on instead of the answer of the kind dispatcher, the rest of the numbers are just virtual, but 115- you are the ninety-eighth in line,
Do the deaf work there?? It's just some kind of mockery, I called 13 times, I thought at least for the 13th time these devils would pick up the phone..
I have repeatedly encountered such a problem as it is impossible to get through to the dispatcher of ZHES 13. As well as to other phone numbers of this utility. Complaining doesn't help. And in order to get any information or leave a request, you need to go to the Housing and communal Services itself. So why then the dispatcher and other employees of the ZHES? Thank God that there is such a phone number as 115! The entrances are not cleaned, the smell of garbage is terrible in the entrance. Residents themselves try to clean the stairwells and platforms near the doors. The bench near the first entrance disappeared back in the 90s and still does not exist. And why? After all, the head of ZHES-13 does not live in this house. Probably the tenants need to reset so that it can be installed. And instead of a bench near the entrance, there is a parking lot for personal vehicles. One question is, then why do we pay for these services? It turns out that it is not the communal service for the tenants, but the tenants for the communal service.