A very good trading house .I often buy clothes and shoes here.and the products too.there is a wide range.even for me, a size 52 can be found.Cashiers and sellers are polite.
An average shopping mall, with old entertainment venues. The Rainbow store on the ground floor is not the best, since most of the products are overdue, sellers and cashiers like to discuss customers. Good clothing stores, though prices and promotions are a big problem. We were in other cities in the same stores, it's a completely different matter.
You need to take care of a building like a woman, a car, like your house, fix it if something breaks, set rules for visitor behavior, and not that's all.
The inconvenient location of the shopping center, the escalators do not work in turn. or they turn it off on purpose, it's always stuffy, very weak air ventilation
If there are not enough tickets during the holidays and vacations , is it really impossible to do as in the Soviet period , add 2-3 cars so that people can ride without problems .Summer has not started yet , and there are no tickets until July , and for domestic flights.Why doesn't anyone want to think about people?
Collective farm shopping center. It's a little dirty, there's a smell of feces from the communal toilet near the elevators. One elevator out of two practically always does not work. There are a lot more minuses than pluses - especially for such a central shopping center
It's a pity to put even one star. It's a disgusting place. It seems that the bosses don't care about their business at all. So he's going to die out soon. Does anyone else go there? It's just a nightmare