In general, I am glad that the devices of living water are in my city and it is convenient that it can be dialed at any time of the day. The water has pretty good taste qualities if the filter was changed not so long ago. By the way, I suggest manufacturers to change filters more often. And my low estimate is based on the exceptionally high cost of water in these devices. Especially if you take into account that for the operation of this device you do not need to pay for a separate employee to rent an office and so on. In a neighboring country, despite the fact that I bought water in a special room where a special person was sitting and the filters were obviously changed more often than in live water, I bought water for bottling four times cheaper. I think this eloquently demonstrates how much we are being ripped off on elementary purified water. I think this is extremely unfair and absolutely does not correspond to the president's policy, the cornerstone of which is caring for people. And the concern is not only in the availability of the living water apparatus, but also in an adequate price. And I would call an adequate price no more than 10 kopecks per 1 liter, not 30. And despite the fact that living water sells water three times more expensive than an adequate price, they do not particularly strain themselves in changing filters more often. For this reason, I would like to recall again the idea of building a creative society in which all prices would be low and adequate and the monetary provision of people would be high and without inflation. High is 10,000 a month plus free housing fully packed. And this is at current prices for everything. And perhaps even lower because in a creative society there are no taxes for individuals and small businesses and perhaps even medium-sized ones.
It's a great thing. Water is cheaper than in the store and better. The water from the shops leaves scum in the kettle, but this one does not. This machine is conveniently located. There is a hypermarket nearby. You can combine purchases.