Complete indifference to any appeals, no matter who the answer is, they do not decide, you go to another door / floor / place / organization. My housing unit-1 has not been able to solve any problems for five months - there is no hot water, some of the batteries were not heated (during the heating season they said they would not do anything on the phone, they need to clean it), ventilation has been clogged for a long time, I left applications at 115, called the hotline in ZHRET, went personally to ZHRET, sent a complaint by registered by letter, by e-mail through an appeal.bel, 1.5 months have passed and of course there is no response to the complaint, no one has ever called or visited. And for some reason I still have to pay them utilities. Useless people and organization. The neighbors have the same opinion of you.
It is unclear what they are doing. Whatever question I called them with- they're playing folk fun- let's go to someone else. In a personal appeal, even an employee once argued that she could not help in any way, because she did not work here at that time. Apparently, computers were invented after 2017.
Dear Dmitry Valeryevich,
I would like to express my deep gratitude to the leading engineer of your ZHEU-16 division, Andrian Kostyrko, for not ignoring my letter No. 1-53 dated 04/13/2022, as well as for his sensitive and qualified attitude. Many thanks to him for his help in resolving the issue regarding the repair of the storm sewer pipe at the address Vitebsk, Belinsky str. 5, sq.78. In the future, if there is a question about the repair of any objects in our house and not only, I will contact him only.
Please encourage Kostyrko Andrian Sergeevich for such an attitude to his duties.
I wish you success in your further projects, creative ideas, physical strength, patience, and most importantly – time.
Sincerely yours, E.N.Levshunova