PERFECT FIT™ Junior cодержит всё самое необходимое для здорового роста котёнка: важнейшие микро- и макро-элементы, такие, как кальций и фосфор, для укрепления костей, жирные кислоты класса Омега-3 для развития мозга и остроты зрения.
10.4 Br
Little One Лакомство "Витамин С" 180 гр.
Морские свинки, шиншиллы и другие домашние любимцы испытывают особую потребность в витамине С. Свинки не могут самостоятельно синтезировать витамин С, поэтому для них очень важно получать достаточноеколичество из пищи. “Витамин C” от Little One - ...
I was at the store on 08.09, buying cat food. Many thanks to the girls who helped to choose the right food. Politely, quickly and to the point. I will come back again, I hope to find these same professionals)
I am writing a review not to the store as a whole, but to the service staff. I went to this store only 2 times and both times I ran into rude staff. They can't consult normally, they need to get attention to themselves, they don't answer questions, although if there is something missing, it would be logical to offer an alternative, and not send it far away.
There is a point on Yesenin 6 across the street, there have never been any problems, the staff is always friendly, they will tell you even if you don't ask.
There are no complaints specifically about the store, but it would be necessary to have a conversation with the staff about the norms of communication.