Purina Veterinary Diets EN Корм сухой для собак при расстройствах пищеварения
Корм сухой полнорационный диетический PRO PLAN® Veterinary Diets EN Gastrointestinal (гастроинтестинал) для щенков и взрослых собак, легкоусвояемый, с пониженным содержанием клетчатки при расстройствах пищеварения и экзокринной недостаточности под...
55.93 Br1,500 g
Royal Canin German Shepherd Корм сухой для взрослых собак породы Немецкая Овчарка от 15 месяцев
Корм ROYAL CANIN® German Shepherd Adult, предназначенный для немецких овчарок в возрасте 15 месяцев и старше, специально разработан с учетом потребностей вашей взрослой собаки в питательных веществах.
228.14 Br11 kg
Nature's Protection Корм сухой для щенков всех пород (лосось, криль)
Nature's Protection Puppy Starter (лосось, криль) - полноценный сбалансированный корм для щенков всех пород от 4 недель, для беременных и кормящих сук.
At 10-45 o'clock, the call center does not answer or call back. They called the second number and said they didn't know where the employees were and why they weren't responding. I am a regular customer of the online store and I note that the service has deteriorated significantly recently.
A young brown-haired girl at the age of 23 works in your institution. She is always unhappy with something and is always rude. Just like at home .maybe on ... Send
Of course, everything can be understood, but at 9:25 a.m., there is not a single seller. The store is closed. Although the work schedule is from 9 to 21. There is no announcement that they are closed or that they are taking a break. There's just no one there. And no one knows where the employees are. How to close minute by minute, so no problem, how to sit on the phones or chat with friends for the whole store, so everything is fine too, but how to come to work on time and serve an already standing queue of customers, so the problem is.