PERFECT FIT™ Junior cодержит всё самое необходимое для здорового роста котёнка: важнейшие микро- и макро-элементы, такие, как кальций и фосфор, для укрепления костей, жирные кислоты класса Омега-3 для развития мозга и остроты зрения.
10.4 Br
Little One Лакомство "Витамин С" 180 гр.
Морские свинки, шиншиллы и другие домашние любимцы испытывают особую потребность в витамине С. Свинки не могут самостоятельно синтезировать витамин С, поэтому для них очень важно получать достаточноеколичество из пищи. “Витамин C” от Little One - ...
I made an order for pickup at this store. On June 12, at 11 a.m., the store is closed, the lights are out and there are no ads. A call to a short support number, the result is an advertisement playing for several minutes and no one answers. I write to the website in a chat, after 30 minutes they write soon the seller will come, that's nothing terrible.
I arrive on June 14 at 14.01 closed there is a sign for a break until 16.10.
Bravo! Do not waste time on this misunderstanding, it is better to go quietly to buy in neighboring stores, there are several benefits in the area
I took fish food from them when there was nothing on sale in the whole area. Surprisingly, given the very walk-through location and small areas, they had a good choice.