The seller is impolite, in her opinion, everyone should be experts in the field of zoology. They didn't recommend anything, after such communication I didn't want to buy anything.
I have been buying food for my pets at this pet store for many years. The sellers are great! But today there was something with something. When I asked the seller about the availability of the drug Bravecto, she did not answer and began to offer me another drug, the effect of which I, as a veterinarian, had doubts for a very long time. A lot of unnecessary and unjustified information fell on my negative answer, and the seller indirectly hinted at the "snack" that I was a so-so veterinarian (we had not crossed paths before) and I put diagnoses on guesses.
I cannot specify the seller's last name, since she was without a badge and special clothes (which was not previously observed for sellers)
The incident occurred at about 12:50-13:00 that day.
See original · Русский
Александр Кунский
Level 9 Local Expert
January 17, 2024
A small but very cozy store with a good assortment of goods and accessories for lovers of our smaller brothers. In addition, with a good location.