PERFECT FIT™ Junior cодержит всё самое необходимое для здорового роста котёнка: важнейшие микро- и макро-элементы, такие, как кальций и фосфор, для укрепления костей, жирные кислоты класса Омега-3 для развития мозга и остроты зрения.
10.4 Br
Little One Лакомство "Витамин С" 180 гр.
Морские свинки, шиншиллы и другие домашние любимцы испытывают особую потребность в витамине С. Свинки не могут самостоятельно синтезировать витамин С, поэтому для них очень важно получать достаточноеколичество из пищи. “Витамин C” от Little One - ...
Good afternoon 🌿
I like the store, a large assortment of pet products. The store provides an opportunity to purchase food by weight, which is convenient when buying a new assortment. A friendly girl working in the store, upon request, will give advice on the right question. Good luck! Goodness!
A good store for pet lovers. The prices are the same as everywhere else. The product range is not bad. The staff is polite and friendly. It is conveniently located.
Not a bad store, friendly sales girls. But! They don't always know their assortment. When asked about availability, they answer that there is none, you start to look closely - there is the right product. And such situations are quite common, so do not believe it, insist that you check it again. The prices are moderate, not the lowest, but also not sky-high. In the same Cotops it is much more expensive.