Please put the store in order! I called to ask about the aquarium soil if it is in the store, named the price from the online store, the name and the fraction so that it would be easier for the seller to understand what I am looking for. In response, they barked at me that the prices in the store are different from the online store. I asked to see again if there is such a soil and tell the cost. They told me again that they were not an online store and hung up on me. In the evening we came to buy at least fish there, and what we saw was a wild horror. There are dead fish in the aquariums (in each), some half-decomposed. the remains of snails, all in algae, dirty water, dead fish in the moss. The price tags are unclear where, if at all. They searched for the price of the aquarium grotto, found neither a price tag nor a tag, the seller was not called. When you ask to pour dog food for a certain amount, they roll their eyes and sigh at the whole store. It's good that there are other shops nearby. I don't want to come here anymore. And for the fish, as this time, it is better to go to another nearby store.
R. S. There were photos of dead fish, but I deleted them. Although, if you go there now, they are still floating there 100%, if they have not decomposed