КАРКАС, ЗАДНЯЯ СТЕНКА, ПОЛКИ, ВЫДВИЖНЫЕ ЯЩИКИ ЛДСП Белый Премиум / Белый ФАСАДЫ Лонгфорд (МДФ / ПВХ), цвет Белый Супермат Стоимость указана за 1 м.п..
2096 Br
КАРКАС, ЗАДНЯЯ СТЕНКА, ПОЛКИ, ВЫДВИЖНЫЕ ЯЩИКИ ЛДСП Серый Пыльный ФАСАДЫ Алюминиевый профиль А - 2 Терра Черная (ручка - профиль С - 5, угол запила 90˚), стекло Феникс Графит; шпон ясеня, цвет NCS S 1502 - Y50R Стоимость указана за 1 м.п..
2094 Br
КАРКАС, ПОЛКИ, ВЫДВИЖНЫЕ ЯЩИКИ, ЗАДНЯЯ СТЕНКА ЛДСП Дуб Медовый / крашеная МДФ, цвет NCS S 3005-G20Y Матовый ФАСАДЫ Т654 Крашеная МДФ, цвет NCS S 3005- G20Y Матовый Стоимость указана за 1 м.п..
2092 Br
КАРКАС, ЗАДНЯЯ СТЕНКА, ПОЛКИ, ВЫДВИЖНЫЕ ЯЩИКИ ЛДСП Белый Премиум / Белый ФАСАДЫ Эйвон (МДФ / ПВХ), цвет Белый Супермат, тип 3-1 (вставки из зеркала) Стоимость указана за 1 м.п..
2027 Br
КАРКАС, ПОЛКИ, ВЫДВИЖНЫЕ ЯЩИКИ / ЗАДНЯЯ СТЕНКА ЛДСП Ярко-серый / Белый ФАСАДЫ Ливон (МДФ / ПВХ), цвет Хайленд Грин Стоимость указана за 1 м.п..
2006 Br
КАРКАС, ЗАДНЯЯ СТЕНКА, ПОЛКИ, ВЫДВИЖНЫЕ ЯЩИКИ ЛДСП Белый П ремиум / Белый ФАСАДЫ Аврора (крашеная МДФ), цвет NCS S 1000-N Матовый Стоимость указана за 1 м.п..
1999 Br
КАРКАС, ПОЛКИ, ВЫДВИЖНЫЕ ЯЩИКИ / ЗАДНЯЯ СТЕНКА ЛДСП Белый Премиум / Белый ФАСАДЫ Т648 Крашеная МДФ, цвет NCS S 4020-R90B Матовый Стоимость указана за 1 м.п..
1982 Br
КАРКАС, ЗАДНЯЯ СТЕНКА, ПОЛКИ, ВЫДВИЖНЫЕ ЯЩИКИ ЛДСП Белый Премиум / Белый ФАСАДЫ Флавио (крашеная МДФ), цвет NCS S 1000-N Глянец / «Система» (крашеная МДФ), цвет NCS S 3010-B10G Матовый Стоимость указана за 1 м.п..
UPD dated November 05, 2024.
6 months after ordering the kitchen, I share my feelings after the final installation and delivery of the missing elements.
I will try to be objective and refrain from making value judgments of each character in this company.
1. Problems with payment.
The terminal does not work in this company quite often, so be prepared for an emergency run to find an ATM, especially if you do not have Belarusbank.
The management of this branch has known the problem with making payments by bank transfer since June 2024, but the problem has not been solved so far.
We arrived one day on the eve of the payment date of the next installment - we couldn't pay for an hour. The next day I arrived personally by 10.00 - no one. There was no announcement, no information on Instagram of any kind, and I called the phone that was indicated - it just lay behind the roller shutter and rang.
I called the designer, called the head office in Grodno - no one could name the reason.
As a result, at the beginning of the 12th hour of the day, designer Victoria arrived and said that "You were there last night! I should have warned you that you would arrive by 10 a.m.!" To my reasonable question about who the work schedule is for, I was told that she personally was at the opening of some home appliance store as a representative 10 minutes walk from the salon. And why the work phone is not with her then - she is not obliged to report.
They tried to pay for 30 minutes again - nothing. To the question "What should I do?", the answer was "I don't know anything, your last day of payment is today."
2. Problems with kitchen design.
When the measurer Dmitry arrived, he was diligently measuring and recording something.
In fact, I can't even reach the top shelves to take a cup.
About ventilation - she asked to leave access to it. I was clarifying this point.
In fact: there is no natural ventilation. It is closed by a locker and a bulwark. After installation, I called the management of this salon, Eugene, in shock, and after some time he asked: "Well, what have YOU decided with ventilation"
Dmitry, the measurer, said that it was necessary to cut the gas pipe, and that the old bulky meter could be replaced with a compact small one for more cabinet functionality - I already learned from gas workers when the design project was signed by me. Now, instead of a functional, at least partially, locker, I just have a huge fake box.
But the most interesting thing is even that the husband asks the measurer - why couldn't a locker with shelves be made with a distance of, for example, 20 cm?
Answer: our program is so packed.
The niche for the oven was made 15 mm higher. As a result, a gap of 10 mm is formed between the cabinet and the shelf. And explained by the company's internal standard. Although the dimensions of the spiritual cabinet were presented by us. The problem is solvable, but for this it is necessary to disassemble the cabinet and re-drill the shelf mount.
There was no milling for hinges on many facades.
Upon completion of the kitchen assembly, there are 7 extra panels left.Some of them, if desired, cannot be installed in this kitchen. But the money was paid for them, because "this is part of a programmatically clogged locker"
That is, you are for this money (ours came out to almost $ 3,800) You just get ready-made modules, "BECAUSE THAT'S HOW THE PROGRAM IS PACKED," and not an individual project. You just choose the number of lockers and their color and you will have to finish-figure out how to make IT more functional. In fact, there are modules like in Anrex, but under the promising name "individual project".
3. The ethics of the company in relation to solving problems that arose during the order.
From the very beginning, when we arrived, we got to designer Victoria. They wanted to ask, but she cut off - "Write it down for a specific time and clarify."
This designer painted the kitchen all in drawers to a friend. To the question "Why do I need so much and where should I put the trash can?" She rolled her eyes languidly. Well, I counted the cost of the kitchen project for a month. A friend is shocked by this attitude to customers and this month has already managed to order, fulfill the order and start installing the kitchen.
When assembling my kitchen, it turned out that one facade was made on the wrong side, and the second one simply did not exist.
We call the designers, they say, there is no facade and one is not the same. The wrong one will be re-ordered, and the second one is exactly shipped according to the factory data, period.
We call the contact person Eugene (the head of the salon, or he didn't introduce himself there)- Everything has been shipped to you, search the rooms.
The arguments that there was only one room and everything was loaded there and it really wasn't there didn't help. "Search the rooms," he said. "And if we don't find it?" - he said that THEY should ORDER AT THEIR OWN EXPENSE, that the factory could not afford it.
After explaining that the facade was not a needle and had not rolled under the sofa, he condescendingly stated that he would call the factory and clarify.
The next day I called back and yes, indeed, parts may be missing and the factory will send the missing one and what should be according to the project instead of what is on the wrong side.
"We will do everything to make you satisfied!" said Eugene and I waited for the facades.
Now watch the movement of your fingers. At the time of ordering the kitchen, there was a special offer in the salon - free kitchen delivery for a review. I ask- is there a review in advance? Yes, otherwise the promotion does not work.
I wrote a review about the specific work done at the moment - on May 23, 2024.
The kitchen was delivered really free of charge, but as indicated - not fully equipped. The installer installed the kitchen and took the amount as for a complete installation, which in fact was not MY FAULT (the factory's fault).
Well, today Eugene calls and says - the driver is bringing you facades. An hour passes, and the second hour of waiting is coming to an end. He went to the wrong street - to the other side of the city. Sometimes I wait.
The driver is calling: "Delivery, I brought the facades." I say get up.
Answer: I am not a loader and I do not have to bring them to you.
Me: I can't come down, my child is sick at home.
I call Eugene, I'm waiting for some movement, he didn't warn me about anything that I have to pick up myself. Nothing
I leave the child at home at my own risk and go down and BRING THE FACADES TO THE 5TH FLOOR MYSELF.
Good free shipping, nothing to say.
Draw your own conclusions.
I'm not coming here anymore. As I was told, instead of apologizing and trying to fix something, "And you order something from us again, we will definitely make sure that you are satisfied!".
Review dated May 23, 2024.
I want to leave a review about visiting the Call of the Kitchen salon.
Unobtrusively, competently, calmly. Absolutely all the nuances were taken into account, they provided their own installments (for 6 months). We were guided by the production time - about 1.5 months, which is fast enough.
Previously, we ordered 2 kitchens (approximately 2006 and 2008) in this company - they are ideal to use, they are simply outdated, therefore they need to be replaced.
Diana's designer has only the most positive impressions. The measurer Dmitry also made a very pleasant impression.
I will update the review as soon as the kitchen is installed.
We ordered a kitchen made of natural wood, and were pleasantly surprised by the price. I would like to express my special gratitude to designer Diana, a very pleasant and competent specialist. She helped in choosing the material and shade of the facades, selecting the countertops. There was an opportunity to take samples of facades for the selection of tiles for the apron and wallpaper. There is an installment plan, which is also a big plus. Overall, the impressions are only positive!
Today (03/16/2025, at 4:35 p.m.) we arrived at ZOV (Brest, July 28 address)
We wanted to ask the consultant for information about what modular kitchens they have, what payment methods/installation dates are.
The girl said she had a lot of work to do and didn't have time to explain it to us.(we were alone in the store, there were no other customers)
The service is terrible. I have no desire to return here anymore.