Я обслуживаю и ремонтирую свои автомобили здесь уже 20 лет и очень доволен.
20 yildir araclarimin bakimini ve eksigini burda yaptiririm ve cok memnunum
Fiyatlar uygun cay 1 TL iki kisi guzel yemek yerse corba salata kavurma 500 lira civari tutuyor fiyatlar cok makul sicak havalarda havuz basi daha guzel olur
Allah kimseyi bu hastaneye dusurmesin Enisteme bu hastanede ilik kanseri teshisi koyuldu ve bizde bu bolum yok diyerek bizi hemen taburcu ettiler hic ilgilenmediler 3 ay omru kalmis ölümü brkleyen agri lar icinde kivranan birini hic bir hastaneye sevk etmeden kapi onune birakmak tamamen vicdansizlik yaziklar olsun ordaki hekimlere
God forbid anyone falls into this hospital My mother-in-law was diagnosed with marrow cancer in this hospital and they discharged us immediately by saying that we did not have this department, they were not interested at all. It is completely unscrupulous to leave someone who has 3 months left to live and who is in pain in the pain of death without referring him to any hospital.
Bir arkadasimin tavsiyesi uzerine Acibadem subesine gittim Lahmacunu icin cok iyi dedi ama @kesifgurmesi olarak bana gore biraz vasatti garsonlar cok ilgisizler memnun kalmadik dilerim diger subeleri bu sekilde degildir
I went to the Acibadem branch on the recommendation of a friend, he said it was very good for its Lahmacun, but as @kesifgurmesi it was a bit mediocre for me, the waiters were very indifferent, we were not satisfied, I hope the other branches are not like this.
İstanbulun icinde İstanbuldan bagimsiz bir köy gibi guzel bir mahalle meydan da Engin abinin cay ocaginda cayi tek gecerim Meydan daki kasapinda citir kelebek ve tavuk but cevirmeleri efsane gidenlerin aklinda bulunsun