It's a shame for Asus to give a certificate to these people. I have read on their site the prices, and another address I went to the address and then they told me it's not there. So I came here. The problem with my laptop was so simple I spilled just a bit of whiskey cream on my gaming Asus laptop, it became sticky so I looked on Asus' site and I found some shops that are certificated by them. And this is one of them.
My laptop works perfectly it just became a bit sticky.
They told me we can't give you a price for changing the keyboard we need to make a diagnosis. So I smelled something as soon as they said that. I said okay it's normal but they gave me a kind of contract I read it but since I'm a foreigner it was difficult to see every point of that contract I put it here as a photo.
I see that in the contract it's written that my laptop has some scratches (you can read it on the top right) which is not right at all.
And the 3.2 point of the contract is so weird.
So they called me and they told me that I need to change the chipset the connector the keyboard and another part that I don't remember everything for 30k.
I know the amount of liquid that has been spilled on my laptop it was just a bit like 2-5ml not a lot and Asus ROG keyboards protect the motherboard of this so it's impossible that the chipset was touched.
When I said no I will come and take the laptop they told me you need to pay 2000rub for the diagnosis (and on the site it was 500 for changing the keyboard). I argued with them I told them you told me that the diagnosis is free they said it's free if you work with us but they didn't mention before they asked me to wait one more hour.
While waiting I sent the contract to my Russian friend and he told me that your laptop is new it doesn't have any scratches so what's mentioned there is not right. I got very angry because I bought my laptop 2months ago for 2000€ so i came back and asked what did you write that my laptop is scratched they said oh no it's not they took the contract, gave me back my laptop and they said it's okay you don't need to pay anything. I think that they were afraid because it was in front of other clients.
I don't recommend be careful they will make you pay for unnecessary things and take advantage of your ignorance about IT and computers to tell you that you need to repair this and that.
What's more suspect it's that it's not the right address it's 62K1 and not 62K2.
Be careful !!!!!!
Официант просил чаевые в размере 10% как обязательное требование, когда увидел сумму наличными меньше, чем хотел, вернул и сказал, что это не деньги для него, при этом спросив, откуда сами гости родом. Мы не отказались давать чаевые, просто дали сумму, которую посчитали нужной за данный сервис. Официант с бородой темного цвета, если вдруг кому-то будет интересно. Вечер был омрачен таким отношением, к сожалению, хотя чек за сам ужин вышел довольно приличный.