Совсем не рекомендую. Очень плохой сервис. Непрофессионалы работают. Надо будет снова чистить.
Umuman tavsiya qilmayman. Moykadagi yigitlar umrida birinchi marta mashina yuvayotgandek. Mas'uliyatsiz, sifatsiz yuvadi. Chiqib yana boshqa moykaga kirishga to'g'ri keladi.
Установка ГБО
November 2023 •
Tavsiya qilmayman. Men bilan ikki marta noprofessional yondashuv bo'ldi:
1. Kelishilgan jihozlar bilan o'rnatmasdan boshqa sifatsiz jihozlarni hech qanday ogohlantirishsiz o'rnatishgan. O'rnatib bo'lib aytishdi ham rahmat. Mashinani tashlab kelgandim. Turli vaziyatlar uchun ukamni qo'yib jkelgandim. Uni aldashgan.
2. Sifatsiz antifriz quyishgan ekan. Hamma idishlar qorayib zanglab ketdi. Nol km yurgan yangi moshina. Shaharda bulardan sifatli puliga arziydogan joylar ko'p ekan, keyin bildim.
Xizmat ko'rsatish sifati reklamalaridek emas.
July 2023 •
Reliable place to buy meat products and products for kids.
Cabinet Of Ministers Of The Republic Of Uzbekistan State Testing Center
July 2023 •
Very irresponsible personal, who makes people a wanderer, appointed to do apostilles.
Sun Rise
June 2023 •
Most meals are good
Bog'i Zilol
June 2023 •
Ordinary restaurant with good service. Meals are delicious.
Opa singillar baliq markazi
June 2023 •
Nice place.
June 2023 •
Hello dear!
I don't recommend this restaurant! I have a lesson from my personal experience.
I visited there with my 6 friends at night on the 19th of June, 2023. Ordered a big traditional beef "assortment"(see the attached photo). We were left approximately 40 minutes without attention, and a "special" meal came 50 minutes later than the order. Surprisingly, almost all the waiters were busy by helping a birthday celebration of another client: holding cake like an army, singing together with those clients.
A long waited meal turned out to be totally saltless. There was no manager to listen to our complaints. Every waiter that heard us kept disappearing surprisingly. After several calls, we received confirmation from the chef that the meal was saltless. We were very disappointed with the very poor attitude towards clients. I DON'T RECOMMEND THE PLACE.