The vacation was really bad . We had expected to have better days in Egypt .
I’d like to start with all the disadvantages we have faced with :
-no WI-Fi, only a paid one . So ,for six days ,one person,you” ll get to pay 20€. That’s too pricey while at the same time there are hotels which offer free Internet .
RUSSIANS . I’d really ask all Ukrainians to stay away from this hotel since we have faced with the discrimination of the Ukrainians as the nation and a bad behavior of the staff towards us. We’ve been to Egypt before and already tried lots of things. So,when the tourist agent was badgering us into the dessert activities . We just politely refused to. He asked “Where are you from?” . I answered “Ukraine”. He said “oh,then it’s quite understandable why you’re behaving like that”. I decided to put up with it and not make a big fuss. But in the evening that night, there was a bar worker at the beach who was disrespectfully trying to copy my English accent . When I have contacted the manager of the hotel , he tried to help us and figure it out. We came to that man and he just told that my English was really nice and he wanted to speak it with the same accent . (But believe me ,it’s not what he was talking about ) . BTW,the manager told me that I was exaggerating and “being too vulnerable”. 😂👍
Russians are just horrible and unbearable,always drunk ,shouting and screaming. They don’t have the norms of the behavior. They could easily spoil your vacation .
Loud Russian music everywhere , at the main stage, even at 2 a.m at our hotel hall. Some Russians decided to listen to music at night , thought it was OK. I had to call to the reception and they dealt with it . Thank God.
The service is too bad except the cleaning , it was OK and the other paid stuff. If it’s not paid, they were behaving to you like the shit. Big queues in the main restaurant, no meat at your disposal ,every time you have to wait for the forks and knives , napkins and other stuff. And if you ask the waiter to give you the forks ,they said that it was not allowed and we had to wait for 10 and more minutes. And about the service ,we were given a room number with two separate beds but we had paid for the double bed .
The food was OK but it’s more like a half or full board ,not like all-inclusive . You don’t get the posh food or sth extraordinary. Meat and seafood you’re given by the chef in the street while waiting in the big queues. The food was not hot ,sometimes even cold.
A big issue with the renovation of the building . The rooms and the territory is really worn out , it needs some fixing . But it’d be better done while being closed. Still nobody considers it and you may tackle with loud sounds of different machines for fixing while lying at the beach or near the pool.
The hotel is really OVERWHELMED WITH PEOPLE. No spare sunbeds,dinner tables and so on. You either have to wait or not use it at all.
Cleaning is OK . It was done without any problems.
Location is really nice but be aware of the fact that you wouldn’t swim in the sea (unless you are a nice swimmer and can swim at the depth of 5 metres)
In the information page (you’ll be given it after the check-in) it’s written about late dinner. But take into account that it’s only for people who check in late,not everyone .
So,I’d really recommend visiting other hotels if you care about your money and vacation . If there was an option to evaluate this hotel with a minus,I would definitely do that. I want you to understand that it’s not FOUR STARS,it’s barely TWO.
And the icing on the cake, I have cut my foot with a rock or because of a rocky sand since everywhere was dirt and thrown litter!!!!!!!!
So ,keep your money and look for some better locations !