Для иностранца, не говорящего по-русски в Самаре, персонал в этом банке замечательный и профессиональный.
Особенно Ирине и Алине, которые заботились обо мне, такие терпеливые и блестящие
I met Vladimir from Yurkonsalting when I moved to Russia from Australia to live in September 2024 as I required the services of an immigration lawyer to help me submit my paperwork for a 3 year temporary resident visa. (RVP)
For a foreigner that does not speak the Russian language dealing with the Russian immigration department is a very daunting task with a lot of government procedures and policies to adhere to but Vladimir couldn't have made it any easier and streamlined the whole procedure for a very reasonable fee.
This covered legalising of all documents including my ones from Australia which he looked after the translating, notarising off and arrangement of the mandatory medical tests and registration procedures.
With the aid of a Russian friend for translation purposes this whole procedure was a great experience and I highly recommend Vladimir and is colleagues for the ease of operation and level of professionalism and care shown throughout the 3 weeks.
I cannot praise them enough.