Хотя персонал добрый, портной совершенно не разбирается в том, какой длины должна быть штанина. Судя по их плохой работе, во второй раз у меня брюки как капри короткие. И когда вы это комментируете, они против. Мне 48 лет, я сталкиваюсь с таким впервые в жизни. Я знаю, какой должна быть штанина! Если вы попросите укоротить штанину: это абсолютно неподходящее место!!! держаться подальше. Я думал, что в первый раз это была моя ошибка. Но я понял, что это неправильный подход. Я попрошу другого специалиста исправить ногу. Мне так ГРУСТНО!!!!!
This is the best theater in the very heart of St Petersburg. Naturally, Marinsky Thester is a must go place, but I also think about this cosy and elegant theatre too. There are not many active palace theaters left in the world. Frankly, I know only this one and San Carlo in Naples. It is an amazing experience. And the theater itself is a design of Master G. quarantine who was the favourite architect of HIM Catherine the Great. You can have another experience while reaching the theater; the only entrance through Hermitage and very famous bridge connecting two buildings. Under this bridge, winter canal will be seen. I have been there twice and there was no alcohol serving at the cafe. Please keep in mind. I definitely recommend you to visit a performance.
Each week I go there. All cashiers are great but they just make some economy in number if them (they decreased number of cashiers) so sometimes if someone purchases many things, you need to wait in the queue. Everything is there. My favourite Azbuka Vkusa
It is one of the best examples of empire style in all Russia. Many people say that it resembles St Paul in Vatican but it is not. It is much more elegant; not gigantic but in harmony. Especially French Empire’s taken flags (Napoleon’s armies) and city keys from many French cities are worth to see. Probably you will be er see another real example of such historical objects. And if you will be lucky to hear the choir; you will be absolutely in love with this beautiful church. May God rest in peace souls of Emperors Alexander 1st, Paul and Marechal Kutuzovsky 🙏🏻