Very satisfying experience. It was the only one flower shop. where I've found required number of identical flowers. Evgenya helped me to make an order by WhatsApp and arranged the urgent delivery. Very quick and professional. Definitely will come back for florist service in the future. Highly recommended..
First of all i would like to ask a question: what do you expect from Greece ciisine? If the answer is: welcomness, cosiness, generousity, soulfulness, than probably its better to visit Greece, and enjoy all of this kind there. This place is more about glamour tweeting. Food is good, but overpriced. Stuff is polite, but too young to be able to freely communicate with guests understanding their needs and expectations... The place is trying to be a fancy spot, that seems a little bit ridiculous for Greece cuisine to me. I would probably visit this cafe again with business partner or with the girl on The first date, but not for my personal pleasure....
My first, and highly likely last experience with this place. To be objective i have to say that my impression was formed by only 2 products, i hope that the rest of the menu is much better. I took away a couple of SAMSA and traditional bread. the price was above average about 30% but the food was awful, I threw everything away. The samsa was cold, the dough was dry and hard. There was no meat inside at all, only a couple of pieces of fat and unchewable meat cartilages and veins. The girl on the counter took food and gave it to me with bare hand without any gloves or something instead. There is another Uzbek cousin not far from this place, that I used to visit to take away an authentic food with much cheaper price and more delicious. I'd better stay with that place rather than visit this Chaikhana again.
Good place to buy building materials. Reasonable prices (10-20% lower than in DYI chain hypermarkets). Discounts for cash payments. They have delivery but its limited to 2 tons. So if you're ordering bigger amount you need to pay twice for delivery. I think it will be my primary place to buy building materials. Very good.
The Donner was good. With a generous portion of vegetables. Original sauce, tender meat chops. But, when you pay 2 times higher than city average Donner price. You expect something outstanding, i haven't got this filling from my meal. The shawarma-men gave me a pre wrapped Donner and just heated it on the grill. They use a BBQ sauce, so the taste was very similar to McDonald's. It's not a plus for me. Would expect a larger amount of meat inside, taking price into consideration. So the donner quality is definitely higher than average, but it's not as good as expensive. I suppose it could be a popular place for those who value good quality shawarma if price will be reduced by 20-30%. Another option is to make it from steak quality meat with farm raised vegetables and keep current price level.
3я заезда только из уважения к истории заведения. Отзыв - скорее обращение к владельцам. 10 лет я считал Колхиду лучшей хинкальной в радиусе 5 км. Постоянно посещал по поводу и без, ещё чаще заказывал доставку, всегда рекомендовал знакомым.. хинкали с бараниной харчо и хачапури всех видов всегда были отменными и приемлемыми по цене (не самые дешёвые). Но в последний год качество еды сильно упало до отвратительного. Каждый раз когда блюда мне не нравились, я говорил себе, "наверное у повара рука дрогнула или попался не удачный хинкал или случайно именно у меня кусочек тухлого сыра попал в хачапури..." Позавчера, был последний раз когда я что-то заказывал в этом заведении... (почти всё было выброшено), хинкали из жил и хрящей пересоленные и переперчёные , думаю не случайно. В хачапури сыр отдаёт плесенью и тоже посолен сверх-меры... есть не возможно. Обидно, буду искать другой источник грузинской кухни, который ещё не испортился. Если сложно держать качество сохраняя цены - повышайте цены, или делайте 2 линейки блюд: "эконом" для тех кому не важно что есть, лишь бы была цена , и хороший "стандарт" (не премиум) для тех кто не готов есть шлак, думаю, разницу в 20-25%, кошелёк любителя хорошей грузинской кухни вытерпит. Если надумаете вернуть старые стандарты блюд, пишите... с радостью вернусь в ряды фанатов "колхиды", а сейчас - прощайте.
3.5 actually. Its a great fun for kids, especially for the first time, amazing attraction for the winter period. For adults, there is not much place to relax. It's good for the first experience. Those, who tried European therms or asian aquaparks, would probably be disappointed.... It seams to be overpriced, especially talking into consideration. that all children before 16y, should be accompanied by adults. Adult tickets are substantially more expensive then children's. But as i mentioned before there is not much to do for elder folks 2 hours is the maximum. During my visit there were no long waiting lines for slides. But i can assume that thay cam can be annoyingly long during rush hours. Because they have approximately 1 min intervals for each ride. Is looks clean and safe (oversafe). I would say its rather the tourist attraction, than regular entertainment for locals.
Ordinary chain Barber Shop. Everything is up to average standards. Nothing to blame on an nothing to be excited about. I like more cozy and personalized hair and shaving services...
Everything is like the other next door discounters. But navigation in this particular supermarket is a disaster. There is not a chance to bypass if someone is picking up goods. It's very hard to identify the product categories.. product range and personnel are to the shop standards.
Good trampling hall. New and reasonable price. Very convinient near metro station, shopping mall inside the best park in this area... It was strange that, when you are taking time with coach you have to pay extra for the time you have spent inside... In ather trampling halls its included in coach charge... So totally it comes more expensive than average...