Terrible service. Mainly because of the administrator. The man is always tired, wants everyone to leave him alone. He answers questions reluctantly and misleads. Maybe he is high.. He told us three times that we can return the bike on Tuesday, despite the fact that according to the schedule they are closed. We specifically asked, we thought to take it from the neighboring rental. But he talked us into it, we decided that it was unscheduled open or there would be a security guard. Of course, no one was there on Tuesday. We lost money and time. He obviously remembered his words when we returned the bike, but he did not even think to apologize. Such people have no place working with people
Поцарапали дверь и замазали, заметил спустя несколько месяцев при полировке; после предыдущей полировки обслуживался только здесь, только здесь оставлял ключи и они сами завозили машину. Вероятность что поцарапали где-то в другом месте на парковке, а потом вернулись замазать царапину, конечно есть, готовы рискнуть?..