Подвальное помещение,где бегают тараканы, когда обратились к адиминистратору она ничем не отреагировала на это и даже не подошла. Администратор не контролирует прохожих,которые не надевают бахилы,в итоге очень грязно в раздевалке. В уборной тоже грязно всегда. Все ооочень тесно,начинай от шкафчиков,в которую не помешается нормально ничего,заканчивая студиями,в которых по 20 учеников🙃 Одним словом,ужасно! Не советую.
It's a terrible place, which I don't recommend to anyone. I was in this studio for the first time, they show one on Instagram and promise, but in reality this is what I found: during the recording, they wrote me the address Kazbegi 13, I went and was told that you are recorded in the old one (which is at a different address) and I had to go to the old studio, I wanted to use the bathroom to wash my hands and I didn't even find soap, instead there was a “fairy”, and there were no napkins. When it came time to pay, they told me that it could only be done by bank transfer or cash, I didn't have cash and I couldn't even transfer by card, they don't even provide information about this in advance and putting the customer in an awkward position. As for the manicure master, not one tactless joke from them, as well as stained clothes that do not cause a feeling of cleanliness. As for the manicure, it made such an uneven surface, which deforms more when the nails grow.
All this and many other small things that were unpleasant. Think 100 times before you decide to come here.