Admission covered by compulsory medical insurance (OMS)
Preventive checkup
Clinical examination
Kinesio taping
Tick removal
Prayer room
WC for people with disabilities
Parking for people with disabilities
Staff call button
Wheelchair accessibility:full access
Wheelchair accessible:Available
MRI price:5100 ₽
Ultrasound price:1000 ₽
Clinic specialization:rheumatology, gynecology, endocrinology, ear nose and throat, dermatology, gastroenterology, orthopedics, ophthalmology, pediatrics, hematology, therapists, cardiology, allergies, oncology, diagnostics, medical certificates, narcology, neurology, family medicine, weight correction, rehabilitation after oncology
Payment method:cash, payment by card, cashless payment, QR code
Medical specialists:traumatologist, urologist, neurologist, gastroenterologist, narcologist, endocrinologist, therapist
Type of ownership:private
Promotions:special offers
Diagnostics:MRI, ultrasound
Hospital profile:multihospital, eye hospital, otolaryngology, gynaecological, therapeutic, cardiology, orthopaedic, cancer, gastroenterological, endocrinology and diabetology, general endocrinology, narcology
Pediatric doctors and specialists:pediatric cardiologist
Certificates:medical examination, outpatient's card, medical book, drivers medical board, certification for employment, study, doctor's note for swimming, medical examination for seafarers, certificate for kindergarten