Antalya Central Bus Station.
Buses in all directions.
There are places to sit.
Toilets are all paid 10 liras.
There are many ticket agencies.
Cafes, stalls: food, souvenirs.
It's just like in Russian regional bus stations.
Private traders offer their transportation services, prices are slightly higher than at the bus station.
I had to use the bus transfer to Istanbul, due to the fact that we could not buy a suitable Antalya-Istanbul plane ticket, and the ticket from Istanbul to Russia had already been purchased.
The bus ticket was bought through the Tu-Tu app - very convenient.
I want to warn everyone to be careful: the bus from the ISPARTA PETROL TURIZM car carrier was late at its destination Alibeyky Bus station (this station is closest to the new Istanbul airport)-by more than two hours.
It's good that we bought tickets with a large margin.
I recommend: if you have already had to take the bus, buy tickets with a good margin, even better for a day.
I recommend it only if there are no other options.
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We are independent tourists with a good level of English. We were unpleasantly surprised by the lack of navigation in English. There is no information drain or employee, Wi-Fi is only in the cafe, and all 4 cafes with the same food. They weren't poisoned, but they weren't tasty or greasy either. So, to starve a worm. There is no station layout, there are no signs at the stops. We needed a bus to the airport (600). The locals showed us where the stop was, there was a bus without a number on, which, as we were told, is the right one. We went up to the driver to make sure, he doesn't know English, gestures that everything is fine, he's not going anywhere. According to information on the Internet, the departure was at 20:30, or at 21:30. We had time left before the plane, so we watched and observed the situation, because in extreme cases there are taxi buttons. During this time, people approached him and in different languages, including Turkish, clarified his number and time. He gestured to everyone that he wasn't going anywhere. Which put everyone in a stupor and negativity. But we all decided to wait for the right time. And a minute before that, he turned on the number 600 and opened the doors. It was a moment of both anger and relief, everyone plunged in and drove off, discussing why he behaved like that.
I did not expect such an unpleasant experience in a tourist-oriented country and in this particular city.
I think that the authorities need to finalize the information system, navigation in English, information at stops with a schedule, or the interval of movement.
Well, explain to the staff that it is not necessary to make people nervous going to the airport. It was humanly possible to get a phone, write "600, 20:30."
I liked the train station. Big, beautiful. In general, bus transport is very developed in Turkey. I liked the constant flow of buses from Antalya to Alanya. The hotel where I stayed was closer to Alanya, but the children wanted to go to Antalya.