Types of massage:cellulite massage, neck massage, general sports massage, relax-massage, spanish hiromassage, lymphatic drainage massage, corrective massage, general medical massage, lifting massage, facial massage, back massage, foot massage, massage for pregnant women, visceral massage, foot massage, head massage
General info
Credit card payment
Gift certificate
Payment method:discounts on services preferential categories, discount system, cash, payment by card, electronic money, bank transfer, cashless payment, online, QR code, Fast payment system, payment by credit card, contactless payment
Promotions:discounts, promotions, special offers, bonuses, gifts
Special features
Baby massage
WC for people with disabilities
Wheelchair accessibility:unavailable
Wheelchair accessible:Available
Clinic specialization:chiropratic services, cosmetology, diagnostics, osteopathy, family medicine, lymphology, Rejuvenation/anti-aging care
Petfriendly:animals are prohibited
Pediatric doctors and specialists:pediatric chiropractor, children's masseur, pediatric osteopath