A very underrated historical heritage site ((( A beautiful place and impressive views from the opposite side of the ponds. I am sure that over time there will be a worthy owner who will revive everything around. Although we can do basic landscaping along the ponds right now.
Палац Радзівілаў. Пабудаваны ў 1751 годзе на сродкі Мікалая Фаустына Радзівіла. Пазней перайшоў ва ўласнасць Солтанаў. У сярэдзіне XIX ст часткова перабудаваны пад казармы артылерыстаў. За польскім часам у будынку мясцілася школа, у савецкі час – шпіталь. Да 2010 года былы палац займала стаматалагічная паліклініка.
Помнік архітэктуры барока, нягледзячы на ўсе ліхалецці на фасадах збераглася ляпніна ў стылі ракако. Спадзяюся, што палац дачакаецца сваёй рэстаўрацыі.
The palace is located next to the hospital.I have been driving nearby for more than 20 years and my heart is bleeding.Are they really waiting upstairs for the building to collapse?What we will leave to our children and grandchildren.The interior is very beautiful, high ceilings, thick walls.You can find a use for the palace.
Shock. A huge palace, huge. The residence of the Radivils.
And no one needs it. It stands on the territory of the hospital. Why was it glued so close, this building, as if there was no place for its construction.
It's sad that no one is doing this. This is not just someone's estate. These are the Radivils
It would be interesting to see the palace inside, but, alas, it is impossible. It is destroyed and is unlikely to recover. Now it is an abandoned building of the local hospital. The outside is badly battered by time.
A beautiful building on the shore of the lake.The town of Dyatlovo itself is very cozy and homely.This palace was once part of a polyclinic.When I was still a schoolgirl, I visited this building.Medical care was provided there.It is located next to the hospital.I really want it to be restored and become an ornament of the town.
It's a nice beautiful building, but it's not being restored, it's worth it. Re-register it. There used to be a polyclinic and a hospital there. But now it's nothing. The windows are in poor condition
A very beautiful old building, I often see that visitors come, are interested and take pictures. The palace requires a good repair, and it should be a lot of money. It would be nice, of course, for someone to do this.
It's sad to watch when beauty dies. While the building was in a more or less decent shape, it was needed (there was a hospital building). And when they brought you to the handle, here you have a historical value 🙄
It is necessary to restore urgently, while there is still something. The palace is beautiful even now.
See original
Ольга У.
Level 12 Local Expert
March 8, 2024
It's a wonderful place, it's a pity it's abandoned and unkempt
Nothing special. In vain, in fact, we drove a 150km detour. And there's nothing there. Some kind of enterprise and a fence. That's all. It's not interesting.