Point information from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation
Kind:additional office
Regulation number:2490/0/218
Date of updating by the Central Bank:26.01.2025
Information about the organization
Banking license:valid license
Securities market participant:broker, dealer
Registration number:2490
Types of bank activities:deposits in rubles, deposits in foreign currency, deposits in precious metals, operations in non-cash foreign currency, transactions in foreign currency in cash, operations with precious metals
Legal information about the organization
Abbreviated name:АО "ГЕНБАНК"
International name:Joint stock company "GENBANK"; JSC "GENBANK"
Legal name of the organization:Акционерное общество "ГЕНБАНК"
Staff call button
Wheelchair accessibility:unavailable
Wheelchair accessible:Not available
Additional features:payment of fines stsi, payment of communal services, payment of cellular communication
Enrollment period:from 5 minutes to day
Amount of commission:нет
Type of currency to exchange:RUR, USD, EUR
Payment method:cash, cashless payment
Currency:EUR, USD, RUR
Issued credit cards:mir
Insurance type:property, life
Money transfers:Unistream
Loans to individuals:mortgage, autocredit, consumer credit
Remote service:by internet, by sms, by phone, by wap