The bus station is small. For a regional city, and even carrying out international communications, this station clearly does not correspond either in functionality or scale, or as a business card of the city. In short, a very shabby building.
The car station is always kept clean, the street is patrolled by police officers, there are enough food stalls, shops, there is also a toilet, buses arrive on time, all platforms are under canopies to protect from rain, there are always enough places to sit down.
Normal, not super of course. But I do not know what can be improved. The train station is a train station - homeless people, gypsies, pigeons, everything is like in the movies, ahah)
Convenient location.
It's easy to get there.
I haven't ridden buses for a long time - a kind of exotic)
If this is a comfortable neoplan and the trip is to, say, Poland or Lithuania, why not go.
Homeless people are kind and cultured, if they ask for money, then carefully. Inside, you can more or less stay in the hall with cash registers. Queues as when. Come and leave quickly - it will go)
The constant stink. Everything is dirty. Everything is stinky. You can't even touch the door handles . Homeless people are sleeping inside the train station...and nobody cares. Where is the management looking?
For the regional center, the station is frankly small and miserable. A waiting room with shabby seats and often with slightly shabby smelly faces. Catering at the village level. Alas, it used to be a decent place, but now it's better to just wait for the bus on the platform
I'm not saying anything about cleanliness at all. There is simply no cleanliness. The eternal stench in the waiting room, they can not solve the problem with homeless people, drunks and beggars in any way. The bombs are still standing, just like in the good old days... The cash register is often too small. The queues are kilometers long. The condition of the toilet leaves much to be desired, even though it is paid. Although, it should be free for passengers - nope, whatever. Fortunately, I know where to go for free. There is actually no parking, since the passenger has to be dropped off at a bus stop or in an eternally clogged parking lot behind the aforementioned stop. Both buildings are in terrible condition, there is no smell of modernization. In general, the place is terrible, for a historical city it is a thorn and a shame.
It is a pity that there is no round-the-clock place where you can leave things, a bag And so on. The luggage room is open until 19-00. And the buses leave after 23:00. I have to sit at the train station with a heavy bag because you can't walk around the city, but I really wanted to!
Few ticket offices are open during rush hour. There is nowhere to sit for the last route in the evening, as the waiting room is closed. The constant presence of drunks and homeless people (especially in winter).
There are no sockets for charging phones for people coming from far away. In the regional center, the bus station looks worse than in some areas
It would not hurt to make repairs. It's kind of scary inside. The cashiers are normal. There are queues, of course. We would make a cash register just before the departure of the bus. Sometimes you just physically do not have time to purchase a ticket. There is a cafe in the building, you can buy water, a pie and ice cream.
The old smelly train station. We have a damn regional center! Why can't the train station be repaired? There are a lot of homeless people, the police turn a blind eye to them
A bearded Grandfather came out from the side of the public toilet and asked the question on duty (who often goes public, he knows!)), and then a gang appeared who did not know where they were going, but who knew how much the "passengers" cost
Everything seems to be fine , but there is almost always an unpleasant smell .a lot of homeless people gather there and drink.two current stars for the staff.