Type of pool:heated, outdoor and indoor, indoor, outdoor, seasonal
Sport:volleyball, table tennis, active sports, fishing, ski
Entertainment:boating, holding of holidays, rental of snowmobiles and ATVs, ATV rental, boat trips, hunting, animal farm, karaoke
Business services
Conference hall
Meeting room
For families
Children's animation
Children's TV channels
Children's playpen
Children's high chair
Babysitting service
Children's club
Children playground
Menu for children
Baby cots/bassinets
Game room
Baby bed (0-1 year):free
Children's bed (2-3 years):free
Internet access:free Wi-Fi connection throughout the hotel
General information about the hotel
Parking for yachts
Hotel type:business hotel, eco hotel, aframe, holiday park, castle, spa hotel, resort, bungalow, park hotel, designer hotel, health complex, guest house, Number, villa, palace, mini hotel
Payment method:electronic money, QR code, cashless payment, Fast payment system, cash on delivery, payment by card, cash, postpay, prepayment, online, bank transfer
Number of rooms:10
Territory size:15000
Swimming pool
Poolside bar
Type of pool:heated, outdoor and indoor, indoor, outdoor, seasonal
Number of pools:2
Accommodation with pets
Animal accommodations:paid
Restrictions on living with animals:accommodation with pets on request