Clinic specialization:physical therapy, neurology, family medicine
Petfriendly:animals are prohibited
Rehabilitation programs:rehabilitation after stroke, recovery after coronavirus, supportive rehabilitation, rehabilitation after endoprosthetics, rehabilitation after lung diseases, cardiological rehabilitation, rehabilitation after hospitalization or long-term illnesses, rehabilitation after amputation of limbs, rehabilitation after removal of an intervertebral hernia, orthopedic rehabilitation
Medical specialists:physiatrist, masseur, chiropractor, neurologist
Payment method:prepayment, cash, payment by card, bank transfer, cashless payment, QR code, Fast payment system, payment by credit card
Type of ownership:private
Promotions:discounts, promotions, special offers, bonuses, gifts
Types of massage:cellulite massage, neck massage, general sports massage, relax-massage, chinese health massage, lymphatic drainage massage, corrective massage, cupping therapy massage, general medical massage, lifting massage, pressotherapy, facial massage
Certificates:medical examination, doctor's note for swimming, help for race