Payment method:discounts on services preferential categories, discount system, prepayment, postpay, cash, electronic money, bank transfer, cashless payment, online, QR code
WC for people with disabilities
Parking for people with disabilities
Staff call button
Wheelchair accessibility:full access
Parking for people with disabilities
Classes for children:biology, arts and crafts, geography, inventiveness, history, literary art, foreign language, music, modeling, natural study, singing, robotics
Language:french, english, russian
Kindergarten features:general developmental, with ethnocultural education, artistic, wellness, child development centre, elementary school-kindergarten, progymnasium, combined
Type of camp:recreation center, educational and health, for special children, for babies, game, thematic, with the study of foreign languages, children's health
Promotions:discounts, promotions, special offers, bonuses, gifts
Form of teaching:evening, remote, full-time, part-time, online