Скульптура "Ладдзя Насада" пастаўлена ў падножжа Старога замка ў чэрвені 2016 года. Зроблена, як копія шахматнай фігуры, што была знойдзена на замкавай гары Юзафам Ядкоўскім у 1931 годзе. Аўтар скульптуры Уладзімер Панцялееў.
Level 10 Local Expert
October 4, 2023
Finally put a Stop sign on this embankment and parking is prohibited! In the evening, especially in summer, it is impossible to be there! the whole embankment is filled with cars inside which young people are sitting drinking beer, smoking something and competing with whom from the car the music is louder, a nightmare, how to walk there? the place is beautiful, but this punks on motorcycles and cars spoil everything.