Хороший магазин. Полюбил Вайкики ещё в то время, когда жили в Турции.
Низкие цены, качество среднее. Покупаю здесь одежду для дома и отдыха. Хорошее обслуживание. Очень удобное местоположение магазина. Топ за свои деньги.
Хороший большой магазин расположен на 4 этажах, есть женская, мужская и детская одежда, так что можно одеть всю семью, цены приемлемые, часто бывают акции.
How a clothes shop for children could be so unfriendly to children?
I came with two children to buy lots of clothes for them. When purchasing my yonger one wanted to go to the toilet. Staff mocked us saying they have no toilet🤦♀️. The guard or who else he is pretended he doesn’t know English.
I was rushing along the shop begging to let my child visit the toilet😥. Finally I had to drop the purchases and run out with a child to find another place where staff is not so indifferent.
Did I came back to finish shopping? Sure no. The staff even refused to give a complaint book.
21st centrury, shop for children…. I have never met such relation whereas visited lots of countries.
Snejana is the manager. She should definitly visit some client relation courses and study al least something about children, it will help your shop get more revenue.