And this is a case from a series about the activities of access walkers with proposals to clean the ventilation, install some kind of device for a very expensive, but very "necessary" tenant and all this under the guise of public services. Another category of walkers offers cleanliness in the entrance at a reasonable price.
Thus, the Polotsk regional organization of the Public Association "Belarusian Consumer Protection Society" was contacted by a Consumer with a request to help her terminate the contract with MiraxizsErvice LLC. The consumer said that a representative of the cleaning company came to her house with a proposal to conclude a contract for comprehensive cleaning of the entrance, informing her that the housing and communal services refused to service their house for cleaning entrances and all residents of her house had already given written consent. Without suspecting anything, she signed a contract according to which she had to make a monthly payment in the amount of 5 rubles 95 kopecks. After some time, she asked the neighbors about cleaning the entrance and after receiving the answers, the Consumer realized that she had been deceived, since none of the neighbors had given any consent and had not signed any contract.
The newly appeared "housing and communal services substitutes" did not react to the claim of the Polotsk district organization of the Public Association "Belarusian Consumer Protection Society", ignoring exactly the same as the consumer's claim. In this regard, it was necessary to instill respect for the law and the rights of citizens through the courts.
The arguments of the court turned out to be more convincing and the director of MiraxizsErvice LLC decided to terminate the contract, asking for a break in the court session and going to the neighboring "printing house" to print the agreement on termination of the contract. They also represented the interests of the Consumer in court, where all her demands were satisfied.
Dear consumers, know that you have rights and do not hesitate to defend them!!!
Cleaning is carried out in the entrance in the first month.That's it!there is no schedule on the 1st floor, dirt in the elevator and in the entrance.I also signed the contract.And I didn't sign a contract at another address and they don't clean there (the company itself admitted this), but they demand money every month, and the penalty is also running up!😬
The worst office in the city. From May to October, 1 wet cleaning on the 1st floor and that's it. Although the staircases and each floor are declared. But no one got to jo 9.
+ I called repeatedly, the administrator accepted applications and "fed" them with promises that they would come for "this" week. Alas and ah, it did not happen.
In short, they do not clean at all, take money, spam and that's it... Getting through is also a problem, if I could, they will send someone to sweep your floor))). I don't understand how they still exist and why the prosecutor's office is not interested in them...
At first, this desk pasted its contracts and letters about the need to conclude them in the elevator and on the electrical panel in the entrance. Probably, there were too few people willing to do this, and Vitaly, the master of his craft, took up the task. The intrusive repeated ringing of the doorbell forced me to come up and open it. After that, for 5 minutes I listened to some incoherent information about the need to conclude a cleaning contract. Vitaly was politely sent to walk away from my apartment several times, but he did not give up, if he did not get my signature on the coveted sheet of the contract, then at least my phone number, so that he could call and ask if I had changed my mind. Finally disappointed, I was forced to go further to breed people. If you encounter it, it's easier to close the door right away - you'll save time.
We have been cooperating with you for a long time, there were no complaints. Always a clear execution of work and a responsible approach to your business, I do not know..a lot of negativity is written below, we have not encountered it. A great company to recommend.
Honest cleaning. They promised to clean the apartment in 3 hours and did this job. But at the same time, everything was done cleanly and conscientiously. The price tag pleased me. I didn't overpay. The apartment is clean and fresh, there are no unpleasant odors and does not smell of bleach, as happened after some cleaning companies.
I ordered the cleaning last week. Cleaning after repair. After cleaning, it is clean and cozy. From the ceiling to the floor, everything was cleaned of dirt and dust, the windows were washed, we are already moving into the apartment. The prices are affordable. “thanks.
I invited employees of this company to restore order after repairs. The work was done relatively quickly and efficiently, everything was washed and wiped. I am satisfied with the result.
Contract from March 2023.It is now November 10 - during this time the cleaning was done 3 times, the first was in July. They promised more often, although the contract prescribed "at least one cleaning per month"
, They sign a schedule allegedly cleaning an apartment where no one has lived for a year!!!!
The price rose immediately after a month.
I immediately paid 10 rubles (4.80 rubles) for 2 months. and what was my surprise when a month later I still owed 20 kopecks ??? So it would be fine to clean up, otherwise there is no one
In general, horror !!!
That is, the amount
If you have not signed a contract, they send you payment receipts with an address, an apartment without a last name. They glue the entrance with all sorts of shitty papers, spoil the finishing coating. They also glue their fig leaves on floor electrical panels, which cannot be done. They glue a table where they record what they allegedly cleaned, in fact some people come, wave rags, imitate cleaning, swear. And the result is 0. The circus is complete, which has been going on for a year. Housing and communal services will still clean up, since no contract has been terminated with them, which was discussed by representatives of this office.
I signed a contract, which provided for 2 cleaning wet and dry. In fact, one cleaning per month and then dry. The price is getting higher every month, they refuse to terminate the contract. A scam. People who will read the review, never get fooled by such organizations. They lure gullible people, they do not fulfill the terms of their contract themselves, but they know that they cannot simply terminate it. The Builders' house 7k2 2 entrance will write a collective letter and solve this problem through other instances. It's the same thing from month to month.
I don't know where so much haight is coming from, but I personally invited employees of this company several times and made sure that the work was done in good faith and to the fullest extent, as agreed. I think Miraxiz deserves 5 stars!
The contract was not concluded, the receipts are sent. They also impose their services by posting ads in prohibited places. No one answers the phones (a month ago there was an "epidemiological situation" on their tlf in connection with which they could not answer on tlf. Now the answering machine and "all operators are busy". In the telegram, the bot responds. Convenient)
They regularly go to apartments and impose their services!! The last straw was a call from Vitaly's manager to a mobile phone, begged from a neighbor(!), and a promise to call me back when I was in a good mood. The so-called manager campaigned for the signing of the contract like this - is 5 rubles a month such a lot of money for you?/ they clean your place, but you don't pay. In a sharp form, she asked not to be disturbed anymore. I am amazed at such arrogance and brusqueness of representatives, whose only desire is to sell you a service as soon as possible and get their percentage from the contract!! With such an attitude towards people, this poorhouse will not last long
Excellent staff, special thanks for the promptness in resolving issues. The next day after the call, the cleaner arrived and removed the garbage chute to which there were questions.
Disgusting attitude towards customers. No cleaning is carried out, neither wet nor dry (it was only 1 time after the conclusion of the contract). The phone numbers indicated on the website and in the contract are not answered. Probably, only complaints to the city executive committee will help!!!
A complete divorce, I signed a contract, because no one cleans our entrance at all, I clean my floor myself. Wet cleaning was promised twice a month, collecting cobwebs, etc. and so on. In December and January, one dry cleaning was carried out, that is, a girl came and swept the garbage on the ground floor and that's it!!! The garbage was left lying on the seventh floor. In December, I paid 4.20. In January, the bill 4.80 has already arrived, and the bills begin to arrive at the beginning of the month without any cleaning. My numerous calls were not answered, then their computer was on, then the connection was abruptly lost and the tru went down.bka on their part.
I realized that I was being tricked like a fool, I began to find out how to terminate the contract, I was told to come to the office or by e-mail, I wrote an e-mail application, they sent me confirmation that the contract was terminated, I breathed a sigh of relief and began to clean the entrance myself, but nothing ended there!! SMS messages keep coming to my phone saying that I have to pay for cleaning, I blocked them, but SMS messages still come, calls are not answered, this is some kind of nightmare
People!! Do not enter into a contract with anyone, there is nothing human right now, they want to get money out of you!!!
Disgusting cleaning. I watched and waited for a long time, hoping something would change. If this is a general cleaning, then why haven't the windows been washed in more than a year. The cobwebs all over the stairs and especially on the ground floor are centuries-old. It consists in smearing dirt on the landing and stairs.
They complained about the shortcomings in the cleaning, and the cleaner came, promptly solved the problem, and also issued an act of completed work. She thoroughly cleaned the entire entrance and showed a high level of politeness.
At the conclusion of the contract, the manager could not clearly answer any questions. On the sixth day after signing the contract, a cleaning schedule appeared on the site with a note about the alleged general cleaning. In fact, there are cobwebs on the ceiling and walls, and a stain on the floor. After the call and the dropped video on Viber, they promised to replace the cleaner. A week has passed and no changes have been made, but it looks like the bill will be billed as for the cleaning done.
There are jambs, but work is constantly being done on them, after cleaning, the cleaners sign the schedule on the 1st floor and acts with the residents, where the organization writes in large print "before signing the act, check the quality of cleaning." Of course, if people signed the act without looking at the manual and later find out about poor-quality cleaning, but you can't check all floors with each cleaner.
This company has shown itself on the positive side. All of the promised is being fulfilled well, payment is made after cleaning, as the experts said. A very convenient payment system, no need to go anywhere. In general, good cleaning for little money nowadays. Thanks to the employees of Miraxiz and all the best!
Thanks to miraxiz LLC for cleaning in my house. Cleaning takes place according to the schedule that hangs in our entrance. Of course, I would also like the organization to engage in cosmetic repairs of the entrance. In terms of cleaning, she performed well. We hope that they will continue to fulfill their obligations.
Many thanks to Miraxiz for a good cleaning, the housing and communal services were not cleaned, they said there were not enough people, they could not solve the problem for a long time until they encountered cleaning, conducted a survey of residents and a month after the appeal, the entrance was cleaned. Thank you for the quality and efficiency!
Here we came to conclude a contract, I say let me read what exactly I am signing, they did not give me my hands, and now I am trying to figure it out, but here opinions differ 50/50))). So we pay housing and communal services, but they do not fulfill their obligations and now pay to third-party organizations?!))) It's nonsense!