There is a very large market: clothes, toys, bed linen, sweets. But the best thing is vegetables, fruits, nuts, etc. The assortment is similar, but before buying it is better to go through the entire market and get a price. There are significantly fewer people in the morning, and by six o'clock in the evening there is already a crush.
A very good market. Local Turks come with their goods. We were in October-very tasty strawberries, good avocados.
The choice of vegetables, fruits, and greens is huge.
You can also buy cheese, butter, and an egg.
Despite the increase in prices for fruits and vegetables in 2024, relative to 2023 by 1.5-2 times, the market on Mondays and Thursdays is not very bad. If you come by 15.30-16.00, you can buy fruits and things with a good discount. For example, we bought papaya for 70 lire, dragon fruit for 100 lire / kg, and at the flea market - an excellent large brass turk with a steel bottom at a price 2.5 times lower than in Moscow.