It was a very nice experience for my guests that came along with me(Chinese tourists).They loved to see the cultural exhibits and were excited to see the oak tree inside the museum)
A great place, very beautiful, a lot of exhibits, but be sure to visit accompanied by a guide or an excursion, as just to look, of course, is good, but to learn all the features, differences and history reveals everything much more fully.
A wonderful museum, at the entrance you will be offered to download a video guide, it is convenient to walk through the halls.
Most of the collection is the work of masters of ceramics factories of the USSR. Everything is beautiful, Asia is a brightness that brings magic to life, I recommend you to visit
The museum building is very beautiful, interesting wooden carvings, luxurious paintings.
A rich exposition of different creative directions . Suzane, carpets, ceramics,weapons, wood carvings. The main part of the exhibition is the work of the late 20th century.
You can walk around the museum in 10 minutes without looking too closely at the exhibits, BUT it's worth taking time to the national craft of our culture — so gorgeous and fascinating works that it takes your breath away from the level of skill you see. Nearby there is a shop with a large assortment of national jewelry, accessories, etc., and the outgoing smell of coffee is just something — it is impossible to pass by
Taking into account the realities of today (and tomorrow ...), "It is mandatory to visit with family for educational purposes and to instill patriotism in children and adults."
Briefly about the main thing for businessmen who are guided by the wind to the East:
"A compact museum, the exposition of which included incredible samples of embroidery, carpet weaving and wood cutting"!
And there is a lot of wood in Mother Russia ...
The main thing is short for Rousseau tourist morale:
"There is a shop nearby with a large assortment of national jewelry, accessories, etc., and the outgoing smell of coffee is just something - it is impossible to pass by"!
I really love this museum. The exposition is rich and interesting, the palace itself impresses with the beauty and harmonious combination of forms of traditional and European architecture, refined luxury decoration of the halls.
A very interesting historical building, which houses the Museum of Decorative and applied arts. The interior itself is interesting to explore, as well as exhibits and household items))
A museum of different things.
The first part presents various woven products, then musical instruments and reconstruction of the Uzbek family's room. There is also a separate toilet.
In the second part there is a large hall with a unique design. Various crafts, decorations, antique wooden furniture, tapestries with gold threads are further presented in different rooms.
We also managed to visit the museum nights and see an interesting prepared show, as well as watch compositions in the dark, but with directional soft lighting. Other emotions and feelings,
Entrance is paid, $ 2. It is located in the center, 10 minutes from the metro, there are no bus stops nearby.
It's a very colorful place. A small but cozy museum. Some of the main values of Uzbekistan are presented, namely carpets, musical instruments, knives, dishes, etc. And of course, all the exhibits are surrounded and supervised by pleasant and courteous staff. The place is suitable for connoisseurs of Oriental culture and for people who want to take beautiful photos and videos🎞
The museum is not very big, but it is beautiful! And it is in a pleasant place. Definitely worth a visit. I was without a tour, I went around everything in 40 minutes. The courtyard is pleasant, you can take a coffee and sit in the shade
Шикарный красивый музей. Обязательно к посещению. Очень много красивых старинных и современных экспозиций. Внутри несколько залов: с коврами, картинами, посудой и тд. Есть магазин, где можно купить изделия ручной работы. Внутри есть приличная уборная. Можно взять аудиогид. Вход вроде 4000 сум, но мы пришли 1 июня с детьми и вход был бесплатный. Расположение очень удобное недалеко от других достопримечательностей. Работает с 9 до 18.00. Ничего трогать руками нельзя, за этим строго следить персонал музея. И я и дети были в восторге от красоты музея
An interesting and informative place. It is mandatory to visit with family for educational purposes and to instill patriotism in children and adults. There is much to see and feel the rich cultural heritage of the Uzbek people.
An excellent museum where you can see the peculiarities of culture. There are a lot of interesting and informative things. Compact and rich.
It is very close to the metro on foot. There is a souvenir shop in the courtyard
Perhaps the best museum I've visited so far. Unlike the Temurid Museum, there are no guides here, but there is an electronic guide, which is sooo convenient. You scan the code, put on your headphones and went to study the history of applied art with Yourself. I highly recommend and recommend visiting
A very pleasant and useful place. The museum building is beautiful - beautiful carved interiors and a magnificent courtyard. I wanted to stay there :)
The exposition is small, but very diverse - all the crafts of Uzbekistan are represented. Excellent textile samples are especially recommended for careful study.
A picturesque place on the site of the old manor is a cozy courtyard where you can relax tired legs. The exposition itself is small, several rooms, you will not get tired, but you will get acquainted with folk art (carpets, ceramics, musical instruments).
An amazing place of historical heritage that you would not expect to see in the center of a modern city. The museum embodies architectural solutions and artisanal delights of decorating buildings of the XVIII - XIX centuries.
In addition, objects of the cultural identity of the Uzbek people of those times are collected here. I definitely advise you to visit!
It's a very interesting place. An architectural monument, the house of the Russian diplomat A. A. Polovtsev. A large collection of miniatures, porcelain, musical instruments. The interior is simply magical, with full-length paintings and a fountain in the foyer.
A compact museum, the exposition of which included incredible samples of embroidery, carpet weaving and wood cutting. A particularly successful solution was to organize a free application with an audio guide that will take you through all the halls and tell you about the symbols and history of the exhibits. Don't forget the headphones!
Great place! It is a must to visit! On the second floor there is a whole museum of the USSR) very nice sellers- employees- owners! They treat us to black boiled strong coffee, they put classical music on old vinyl... It's very atmospheric and cute. In addition, there are a lot of really beautiful things made by hand. I definitely recommend it
Шикарный музей, очень рады что смогли его посетить. Много экспонатов и ткани, и ковры, и посуда, и украшения, и деревянные изделия, и чеканка, и картины, и музыкальные инструменты. Входы в здание (их несколько) украшены мазайкой и росписью. Есть аудиогид (по К барьеру коды), есть индивидуальное экскурсионное сопровождение. Оплата за вход символическая. В музее работают сплит-системы, есть чистенькие туалеты. Можно посидеть во дворе под старым дубом и перевести дух.
Рекомендую всемигостям города к посещению данный музей.
Красивый музей, показывающий большое мастерство и искусство нашего народа. Уникальный магазин во внутреннем дворе, потрясающие насыщенные красками залы, экспонаты, кирпичная кладка, резьба по ганчу, колонны с резьбой и, конечно, богатая история. Обязательно попросите экскурсию с сотрудником музея, который поведает и о назначении тех или иных предметов, и тайны вышивки сюзане, расскажет легенды и укажет на символы. Большое спасибо Амановой Диле - замечательному экскурсоводу музея.
We went because of the reviews.
The museum is wonderful, exhibits of restored applied art.
There is a courtyard of the soul inside .
But it is not possible to get acquainted yourself, there are no inscriptions, QR code goes to the site with broken images and without signatures, too.
The audio guide tells a lot, but since there are no inscriptions and the exhibits are mixed up, it is not at all clear what the story is about. We have to solve puzzles and as a result, the audio guide is even worse.
The only option is to take an excursion.
I strongly advise you to go. Each hall is a new kind of applied art. There are many soulful exhibits that immerse you in the world of folk art. An inspiring place.
There are interesting antiquities, but there are not many of them. Mostly the 18th and 20th century. Perhaps the most important thing is the carved wooden architectural objects, ceilings, columns, doors.
Замечательный музей, рекомендую всем посетить и обязательно взять экскурсию! Экскурсовод очень интересно рассказывает про историю Узбекистана и каждый экспонат. Сам музей тоже невероятной красоты, сделала миллион фотографий. Цена на вход и за экскурсию очень маленькая, мне кажется, мы заплатили 500₽ за двоих. Так что 10/10🌟
Delight! Must-visit! The museum is tiny, you will not get tired of the abundance of exhibits. But embroidery, fabrics, ceramics, watercolor miniatures, woodcarving and embossing will not leave anyone indifferent! The exhibits are mainly from the 1970s to the 1980s. A wonderful chamber museum 🩵
Briefly, interestingly, beautifully.
A good choice if you want to watch something from the history of Uzbekistan, but with young children.
Familiarized, not tired)
An interesting museum. Take some headphones with you. You can download an audio guide using the QR code. It really doesn't match the exposure a bit :)))and it was confusing a couple of times.
The exposition is compact and spectacular. An hour was enough for everything. Nice courtyard. A gift shop with a lovely hostess.
A must-visit place in Tashkent. A wonderful assortment in the exhibition, illuminating a wide range of applied crafts. The oak tree in the yard is amazing. Charmingly pay attention!
Интересный небольшой музей в центре Ташкента. Колоритная, зеленая улица с невысокими, красивыми особняками. На момент посещения некоторые залы были на ремонте, но цену на входной билет уменьшили, все очень вежливо и лояльно по отношению к посетителям. В экспозиции ковры, ручной работы, посуда, керамика. Красиво и интересно. Работает небольшой магазин с очень красивыми вещами и сувенирами в национальном стиле, но цены на них высокие. На базарах можно пробовать искать дешевле... но будет ли похожее качество ? Больше всего зацепили изделия из шелка.
Такая красота! Просто невозможно, очень красивые вещи! И здание очень красивое!
Во дворике потрясающий старинный дуб. А ещё есть магазин, где можно, кажется, оставить все деньги, такие так красивые вещи продаются (если что, в магазин можно пройти без посещения музея, предупредив на кассе).
Осмотр без аудиогида и экскурсии можно совершить быстро (мин 40-50), так как экспликаций и надписей довольно мало. Поэтому рекомендую брать экскурсию или аудиогид, чтобы полноценно насладиться экспозицией.
A small museum, the museum presents carpets, interior items, tableware, jewelry. Conveys the atmosphere of old Uzbekistan. There is a nice handmade souvenir shop on site.
An excellent museum for exploring the types of applied arts and crafts of Uzbekistan.
The mansion itself, in which the museum is located, is a separate attraction.
Зрелищно, колоритно, содержательно, познавательно. И бюджетно: цена входного билета 25000 сум (около 150₽) плюс столько же за экскурсию при желании. Экспозиция компактная, но ёмкая. В историческом и географическом разрезе представлены все виды ремёсел и прикладного искусства Узбекистана: керамика, чеканка по металлу, резьба по дереву и ганчу (смеси гипса и спец. глины), ювелирные украшения, ковроткачество, миниатюра, музыкальные инструменты, шкатулки и шахматы из папье-маше. Много интересных аутентичных экспонатов: зеркала, посуда, предметы быта, мебель, одежда. Ковров столько, что на их фоне (как раньше любили сниматься зрители) можно записать не один десяток вопросов для знатоков интеллектуального клуба «Что? Где? Когда?». Некоторые залы – такие как гостиная первого российского посла Половцева, прибывшего в 1930-х в Узбекистан для организации переписи населения, – настоящие архитектурные шедевры. Узорные потолки, изразцовые печи, коллекция старого фарфора и керамики в стенных нишах, фонтан в центре (не работающий), – всё производит сильное впечатление. Уникален необхватный дуб во дворе, которому около 150 лет. Порадовало дерево граната: нечасто эту вкусность и полезность увидишь «живьём» на ветках. Мне здесь очень понравилось. Да ещё и паранджу удалось примерить – с непременным: «Гульчатай, открой личико!!» Настоятельно рекомендую к посещению
Очень понравился музей! Первое, что хочу отметить, есть аудиогид. А экспонаты выше всяких похвал! Впечатляют работы узбекских мастериц и мастеров! Какой рукодельный и талантливый народ!
И персонал здесь очень внимательный и вежливый.
Рекомендую этот музей к просмотру.
A meager assortment of exhibits from the early 20th century. Museum workers do not know anything. I would like more information about the exhibits. From which region, what do the ornaments mean, for what ... the location of the mannequins in the window is completely stupid.
Есть электронный гид, подробные рассказы о тканях, узорах, составах сопровождают всю экспозицию, в музее чисто и аккуратно, есть во внутреннем дворике сувенирный магазин, но цена намного выше среднего , даже на книги. Но очень интересно если постараться разглядеть мелочи , такие как позы фигурок или мелкий рисунок
A very interesting museum. Small and cozy. The mood was spoiled by the fact that a citizen of Ukraine, when she found out that I was from Russia, made a scandal. I was born and raised in Tashkent, but what are these people doing there…
I really liked the museum: there are many halls, each hall is dedicated to a certain kind of art: fabrics, embroidery, carpets, etc. An incredibly beautiful old house . You can download the guide at the checkout and listen to the tour (preferably with headphones). The entrance cost 25 thousand soums
A spiritual institution, in the best traditions of the Soviet era) An indefatigable exposition, at the same time quite adequately reflecting the origins of the life of the people of the country. For the initial idea of art.