Clinic specialization:gynecology, endocrinology, surgery, speech pathology, lymphedema, virology, ear nose and throat, dermatology, gastroenterology, chiropratic services, orthopedics, leech therapy, vaccination, ophthalmology, therapists, men's health, psychology and psychiatry, nutrition, traumatology, genetics, physical therapy, cardiology, gerontology, proctology, vertebrology, oncology, psychiatry, diagnostics, medical certificates, vein treatment, neurology, sexology, urology, obstetrics, osteopathy, family medicine
Rehabilitation programs:rehabilitation after stroke, recovery after coronavirus, supportive rehabilitation, rehabilitation after endoprosthetics, rehabilitation after lung diseases, cardiological rehabilitation, rehabilitation after hospitalization or long-term illnesses, rehabilitation after amputation of limbs, rehabilitation after removal of an intervertebral hernia, orthopedic rehabilitation
Certificates:exchange card, sick-list, medical examination, outpatient's card, medical book, certification for employment, study, doctor's note for swimming