We went to the clinic for an examination and consultation.
Yes, I am aware that our pets are leaving within their allotted time.
Yes, like many people, I can read and use publicly available information.
Yes, I am not an expert, and I expect that by recommending certain actions, they will be able to explain them to me, and convince me of their correctness and effectiveness.
However, the dialogue with the doctor did not take place.
There was a feeling that the doctor was not up to us, and we were distracting him from something important with our stupidity and importunity, although there were no visitors at that time.
Perhaps excellent specialists work here, who have saved hundreds of lives of our dear pets, perhaps..
Many visitors note the attentive attitude towards both animals and owners.
Alas, we did not receive such an attitude.
After we refused to accept help in such conditions, we decided to go to another clinic, the doctor tried to apologize..
Please be more humane, even if you don't have the strength to do it, or are in a bad mood, or don't see patients.
Yesterday we visited this clinic for the first time.And I want to express my gratitude for the care of animals and professionalism.We treated a cat with a canine problem, before that they did not take us for removal, but constantly prescribed antibiotics, thereby the cat suffered intermittently for half a year.Only here they took over for us without an appointment, we had a canine professionally removed in a second without torturing the animal further.I think that everything here is for animals in the truest sense of the word and the price list is available for everyone.I recommend it to everyone.We were deleted by a woman, unfortunately I do not know her name.
Doctors of this clinic can be given 10 stars. Gryaznov In V. gave us hope. And I believe that my furry girlfriend will be healthy. He was able to do something that could not be done in a large veterinary center. He explained what was happening to the pets and described the treatment regimen. We are confident of defeating the disease. If your pet is sick, just go to him!
Respect to Vladimir Vasilyevich and his entire team. My kitty had a very difficult operation. Golden hands, a doctor from God. There are very few such people. I am immensely grateful to him for my pet. I wish there were more such specialists. I used to be in many clinics in Minsk, it's easier to say bonecrusers. I recommend this clinic to anyone who really wants to cure their pets. Vladimir Vasilyevich is the person you need and an excellent specialist in his difficult business. Thank you immensely from the bottom of my heart.That's the least I can say.
The puppy was vaccinated yesterday. Very competent advice on care and feeding. A sympathetic doctor. I liked everything. We went together with a guy. Going down, the guy slipped on a rubberized mat and fell hard, because the space is limited and the mat is not fixed in any way. It was a good thing that the puppy was not in his arms at that moment! Be careful on the stairs!
Thank you very much to Tatiana Vladimirovna for her professionalism! They treated the cat, and after the prescribed treatment they quickly recovered. The examination and procedures were carried out with love.
Upd: Misdiagnosed, lost time, the cat was euthanized yesterday in another clinic
Excellent clinic, helped with a yard cat, arrived urgently without an appointment, immediately began treatment. We went to another place for an X-ray, and the disc itself is already being watched here. Many thanks to the female doctor!!
I would like to express my deep gratitude to Vladimir Vasilyevich!
A wonderful doctor, a wonderful clinic.
This is the case when you can confidently entrust your animal to reliable hands !
And we are treated by him , and we did sterilization , and he always saves my kitty !
I recommend this place from the bottom of my heart!
Thank you for your work❤
I do not see any disadvantages, I have been using the services of Dr. Vladimir Vasilyevich for many years, a doctor from God, I am calm for my cats, they have a reliable Doctor Aibolit.
We applied to this clinic through friends, it is close to home, which is very good.
We would like to express our gratitude to Vladimir Vasilyevich with the whole family for saving our family member 2 times. The doctor is a surgeon from God. These people know and really love their work. Now we will apply only there.
Excellent doctors!!! I am already watching my second dog here, there is no pathos, there is kindness and participation, THANK YOU VERY MUCH for such an excellent clinic team!!! I recommend it to everyone! These doctors can be trusted with the health and life of your pet! Thank you very much!!!!
Vladimir Vasilyevich, dear team, thank you for saving our four-legged friend not for the first time!
The experience of visiting the vet clinic is huge, but only you have provided us with qualified help and answers to all our questions, only you were able to calm us down. If someone is missing something, I just recommend going through all the vet clinics and understand how lucky Minsk is to have such specialists. Good luck to your clinic and health to the doctors❤
Honest, kind, open, friendly and very simple veterinarians. The prices are more than pleasant. The cat was sterilized. Everything went very well and quickly.
Despite the fact that the clinic is small, for many years I have been serving my animals only there. I have not seen such qualifications of employees in any major network!!! And the price tag for the services is simply fabulous.
I definitely recommend it
Despite all the nondescript at first impression, in fact one of the best clinics with a human attitude to your pet. Thank you for your hard work. People who really love our pets, not money. I recommend it to everyone
Обратилась в эту клинику первый раз, и не пожалела. Понадобилась экстренная помощь кошке, все сделали на высшем уровне, быстро и качественно. Большое спасибо Елене Михайловне! Котейка чувствует себя хорошо. А поскольку у меня их трое, теперь знаю, куда обращаться.
Георгий Захаров
Level 8 Local Expert
March 25
It's a very cool clinic. I was there today 03/25/2024. They accepted it right away. They consulted very competently, conducted therapy, and prescribed home treatment. I highly recommend it 👍🏻 Well done 🤝🏻
Ходим с первых прививок.Люди знающие своё дело.Отношение супер.Делали операцию по удалению опухоли на лапке.Недавно сделали операцию(кастрировали собачку).Нам очень нравится,на другую не променяет.
Excellent clinic, courteous staff, we sterilized the cat according to the cream campaign. Ten days later, the blanket was removed, the seams were treated, and nothing was paid extra.
Была стерилизация кошки. Всё прошло отлично. Через неделю сняли попону- аккуратный шов, кошка прекрасно себя чувствует. После операции отдали буквально через 2 часа
Спасибо большое Владимиру Васильевичу и его замечательной ,доброй ,радушной,милой и сердечной ассистентке(простите,но не запомнила имя отчество),за хорошо проведенную операцию моей кошечке,за помощь в лечении ее мокнущей экземы. Кошка за неделю стала красавицей. Примите мою благодарность.
Отличная команда. Вашему питомцу не только помогут и сделают все для его скорейшего выздоровления, но и сэкономят ваши деньги. Поверьте мне, я со своим котом несколько раз обращалась в Ветклиника "ДайЛапу", так они моему коту два раза ставили диагноз без взятия анализов. Если первыйраз я отделалась в сумму 300 рублей и мой кот выздоровел сам( видимо было лёгкое отравление), то во-второй раз они продолжали брать деньги на и дальше пихали ему капельницы, так и не взяв анализы до суммы в 450 рублей и брали бы и дальше если бы я все это не прекратила. Я достала кота из клетки и сказала чтобы они собрали все документы,так как мы уходим в другую клинику. Половину диагнозов процедур мне не было выдано, но плевать. Я пошла в клинику "ПИТОМЕЦ" где у меня сразу же взяли все анализы, а через неделю мой мальчик меня уже радовал. Оказалось это было не отравление, а вирусная инфекция и об этом мне сказали только после анализов в клинике"Питомец".
Excellent veterinary clinic 🥹
The attitude towards the owners and their animals is just class.
The only thing is that the waiting corridor is too small, but sometimes this is not a problem
Большая благодарность врачам ветклиники "Питомец" за чуткое и внимательно отношение, правильное лечение, полезные рекомендации. Неоднократно обращались в данную клинику, и всегда оставались довольны результатом. Наши коты - тоже. С уважением, ваши постоянные клиенты.
I recommend this clinic to everyone!!!I've known Vladimir Vasilyevich for a long time, I drive from the other side of the city if an emergency happens.
Несколько лет назад у моей собаки появилась опухоль. Я отвезла ее в дорогую клинику. Там доктор мне сказал: "Хотите спасти собаку, обратитесь к Владимиру Васильевичу Грязнову в "Питомец". Он хирург от Бога". Так и сделала. Ни разу не пожалела. Чудесные, душевные профессионалы. Владимир Васильевич просто Бог. Спасибо ему огромное.
Отзывчивый персонал все объяснили приводил котенка на просвечивание женщина очень добрая взяла котенка на ручки и он сразу замурлыкал сделала так же небольшую скидку спасибо вам
Работал возле этой клиники две недели. Спальный район. Кругом хозяев с собачками тьма. Думаю и кошек в квартирах живет много. Так что , особенно пожилым людям, очень удобно и близко обращаться за помощью для своих питомцев. В общем молодцы, хорошее место выбрали.
Большое спасибо, работающим в клинике "Питомец", Докторам Айболитам с большой буквы - Мужчине и женщине. Больше полугода назад делал там кастрацию кота и вот случилась беда и опять обратились туда. Отличные специалисты, понимающие и входящие искренне в любое положение. Кот просто умирал, не ел уже 5 дней. Капельницы, уколы, анализы, чётко и понятно потом объяснили как продолжать лечение дома. Всё замечательно кот ожил. Без вопросов проконсультировали по телефону про дальнейшие действия. Цены не зашкаливают на услуги. Всем рекомендую клинику "Питомец" и работающих там специалистов!
Прекрасное отношение к нашим питомца. Татьяна грамотным подходом отнеслась к нашей проблеме. Сделала всё возможное и мы уже с померанским шпицем идём на поправку. Спасибо
Самое лучшее место для лечения животных,первоклассный доктор,цены приемлемы,делали в апреле стерилизацию собачке,джек рассел 10месяцев.Все на высшем уровне!