Point information from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation
Kind:head office
Date of updating by the Central Bank:22.12.2024
Information about the organization
Banking license:valid license
Registration number:21
Types of bank activities:deposits in rubles, deposits in foreign currency, deposits in precious metals, operations in non-cash foreign currency, transactions in foreign currency in cash, operations with precious metals
Legal information about the organization
Abbreviated name:ООО "Примтеркомбанк"
International name:"Primorsky territorial commercial bank, (Society with limited liability)" "Primtercombank"
Legal name of the organization:Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Приморский территориальный коммерческий банк"
Elevator wheelchair accessible
Wheelchair accessibility:unavailable
Wheelchair accessible:Available
Additional features:payment of fines stsi, payment of education, payment of communal services, payment for insurance