The contingent leaves much to be desired... Well, what can you want from a cafe that is lower than Ryskulov? Oriental type music with Turkish mixed in and some old hits like Shatunov are just for this area....
I took kebabs to take away, they didn't even wrap them in foil, not to mention that they put lamb and chicken in one bag. I do not advise buying something from such cheapskates.
It is very stuffy on the second floor, there is no air conditioner, one fan for the entire hall. The lighting is weak, I have a fan on the lighter and it shines brighter. All the smoke from the barbecue in the hall. I would like to wish for the best🤣🤣🤣
Delicious kitchen, parking, few bathrooms or install urinals + when closing the door from the inside, so that it would be written "Occupied" from the outside. The unsure visitors pulled and pulled the door handle. The prices are normal on the 6th we sat down, ate, drank, and got drunk 25 mowers came out.