Admission covered by compulsory medical insurance (OMS)
Bike parking
Rehabilitation of special children
Kinesio taping
Prayer room
WC for people with disabilities
Automatic door
Parking for people with disabilities
Wheelchair accessibility:full access
Wheelchair accessible:Available
Clinic specialization:orthopedics, traumatology, physical therapy, neurology, rehabilitation after oncology
Rehabilitation programs:rehabilitation after stroke, recovery after coronavirus, supportive rehabilitation, rehabilitation after endoprosthetics, rehabilitation after lung diseases, cardiological rehabilitation, rehabilitation after hospitalization or long-term illnesses, rehabilitation after removal of an intervertebral hernia, recovery from stress, rehabilitation of addicts, orthopedic rehabilitation
Medical specialists:traumatologist, physiatrist, cardiologist, neurologist, rheumatologist
Payment method:prepayment, cash, payment by card, bank transfer, cashless payment, online, payment by credit card