Hello everyone
So the 3rd step of the Woman's Path has ended and I have to part with Alla, whom I was waiting for so much ...
Alla is for me an example of how a happy woman should look. Well-groomed, fit with a pleasant timbre of voice, balanced and I can praise for a long time))) When I watch a video with her, I see the result of what to strive for and how you can and should work yourself out)))
Thanks to Alla's techniques, I began to distinguish my desires and thoughts from the thoughts of my relatives and my environment. I have established even more spiritual contact with my parents. I really liked the rebirth technique, unborn children, mother's blessing and others.
There is still, of course, something to work on. I understood when I was on the course that you can't do everything in one month ...
But I believe in myself that I will succeed)))
I wish Alla and Yaroslav's team further prosperity and express my sincere gratitude for the materials provided to work on themselves)))
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Anonymous review
April 9, 2018
It is very sad that the course "The Way of a Woman" 22 stream ended. These 30 days have helped me rethink a lot of things.: my attitude towards myself, to look at men and attitudes towards them with different eyes. Previously, what seemed unacceptable became even very obvious and real. Everything works! Girls, please do everything that Yaroslav and his team say, don't be afraid! Before, I was always independent, all by myself, yes by myself. I have learned not to be afraid and to ask, it would seem to be the simplest thing to ask.: taxi, flowers... For me now it's as obvious as it can't be otherwise))! But the main thing is to apply all this not because they said so, but from the heart and sincerely, then everything will work out and you will like this state yourself, because you are an Angel-Girl Princess))) I can say for myself that I have become more gentle, feminine, pumped up in one word))) Everyone around me noticed it and most importantly I like it) Now I can say with full confidence that I am ready to meet my worthy man!)
And yes, I'm moving on to the module)
Good afternoon, everyone! My name is Elena :) I came to the training after the breakup with the father of my youngest daughter in order to change and understand why my personal life is not working out.... Even before the training, I learned that I have a lot of blocks and childhood injuries that interfere with my life. By chance, I saw Yaroslav's advertisement on Instagram and immediately signed up for the free course "Man is an honest instruction" without hesitation. And while there was time before the course, I literally swallowed Yaroslav's videos on YouTube and even these 15-minute videos turned my attitude and views upside down! I began to change...I was so surprised and delighted that when I reached the age of 42 I never even thought about it. I saw in myself how much wood was broken :) After a 5-day free course, I gave the LAST MONEY to the Path of a Woman course, because I really wanted to CHANGE and become a real angel woman! I was a woman from the series MYSELF, and attracted beggars.I have always criticized, humiliated, and disregarded men's opinions. I was always right :))))
I had no doubts, I knew that the course would change me! Even if not by 100%, even by 30%, this is already a great happiness for me!!!
I was and remain happy to Yaroslav and his team every day, because so much positive comes from them that involuntarily makes you grow up and act! To overcome your fears, doubts, resentments through letters, assignments, practices... There is such a warm, sincere energy coming from everyone, which I still feel (I'm going to the 2-3 module)From both girls, from the mentor girls, from the caregiver... It feels like you have entered another world, a world of kindness and care, where there are no enemies, envy and many unpleasant things in our lives.While completing the first tasks, I began to notice that the attitude of men was changing, I began to understand that a lot depends on a woman and I felt it and still feel it. Of course, some tasks were difficult due to the fact that you had to step over yourself, and believe me, it's hard...... Noah tried to do her best! And you know everything works out and you understand that if you behave correctly in various situations, the result is positive on the face.I radically changed my attitude towards the entire male sex, I began to smile, I began to rejoice every day (squats in the morning give such a tone and a good mood just wow), my ex changed his attitude to me, he was first looking for some kind of trick, and now he says he sees that I have become different, male colleagues at work too they began to tell me that something had happened to me)))))) I have learned to appreciate and respect any man, to feel their inner world and approach, words of compliments, magic words, words of gratitude have already become accustomed to my speech, yes! I've been working very hard to see the result.It seems to me that my voice has even changed and become the same as that of the mentor girls))))))) We asked this question at the beginning of the course) and will we have the same voice as you)))))) And he became, girls! And the eyes became smiling and the corners of the lips turned up, men passers-by smile at me, because apparently it comes from me)
If you want to change your life and become a happy, wise woman, GO TO THE PATH OF A WOMAN COURSE, believe me, this money is not worth what you will become after passing!!!!
R.S. For a free course, I signed up my friend herself, who has a difficult situation in the family and we took the PATH OF A WOMAN course together and more Moreover, we are also going to the 2-3 module! And today my colleague started taking a free course. She's just thanking me!!!! Going on the PATH OF a WOMAN too))))
I am eternally grateful to Yaroslav and his entire team!!!!!
Hello everyone!
For 5 years I have been engaged in self-development, self-knowledge, practices, meditations, and of course I am completely different, more precisely more aware than before. But in my life, the changes took place more internally than in the outside world. I've met various coaches, including men...and I was surprised....How can a man teach women at all???
I met Yaroslav I. On the Facebook page....what he was broadcasting is elementary, basic, basic, which is difficult to change simply by meditations and practices, without inclusion in this knowledge, not easily or for a very long time.
I did not understand the needs of men at all and most importantly my attitude towards them! My condition, which I broadcast in relation to them, was simply revealed...and the process began.. TURNED ON!
To hear this from the mouth of Yaroslav the Man, it was generally exciting...joyfully...Really!
Even when communicating with Yaroslav, through a computer monitor, respect for Him and for All men automatically began to appear!
There is a huge depth hidden behind the basic knowledge and needs that He broadcasts about...awareness and understanding of what he is doing and what he is striving for.
When we met with the Girls, all the puzzles came together!
The whole range of programs that goes from internal to external! Work with your conditions, Family, parents, and negative programs...It's called All Inclusive!
Transformation processes have really and truly started in me in relation to myself, to men...
I am more at peace...I was even more grateful to Myself, to God, to my exes..present and future)))
I went to the salon of high-quality cars, large cars, sat down and felt so cozy, safe, confident and relaxed in the huge salon ..
This is the state that will accompany me when I meet My Man! What I strive for..
To balance, in general ...
There is something to work on! Practices without awareness do not give such a result.
Your team Yaroslav gives a full range and complex of awareness + practice, meditation without breaking away from real life!!! On the contrary, revealing Yourself even more in material life! Your potential, your abilities and your fortune...
Yaroslav! Your team is Great! I believe that meetings in life take place on request, and I had and still have it)) We've met!
CREATE! Thank you! I really give a Blessing....
Each of our meetings causes joy, awe and peace ..
Gives inspiration to action..And Life!!!
Hello everyone, I got on the path of the 21 stream woman by accident, after seeing an advertisement for a free course, A man is an honest instruction. During this period, my family life collapsed. I was left alone with 2 children. The youngest was only a few days after birth. I went to the course in order to believe in myself, increase my self-esteem and understand the psychology of men in order to radically change my life and not make past mistakes. I had already realized a lot of my mistakes before the course, but everything happened here, and the fact that I was too strong, never wanted to depend on anyone, did not accept the chosen man, was constantly dissatisfied with everything... and a lot of things...After my husband left for another woman, I had a huge fear that no one would need me with 2 children, that I would never be able to love again, and in general I have fear and a concrete wall to a new relationship. But as I walked the path, I realized that all the fears are only in our heads and we urgently need to get rid of them! Yaroslav, Allochki and their whole wonderful team are great help in this!
To be honest, the tasks have not been completed completely yet, due to the fact that the baby is in my arms, but gradually I will do everything and I am sure that everything in my life happened in the best way! I realized that it is necessary first of all to love myself, to be in harmony with myself, to enjoy life and radiate love! And I am sure that my path has opened up for a decent man with whom we will complement each other and become happier! I realized that a woman should be a woman, not a man in a skirt, who I used to be.
Thanks a lot to Yaroslav and his team! You are the best! Girls, go ahead and don't think about it! Become princesses and the universe will respond to you with love, prosperity, you will have everything you dream of!
Once again, many thanks to Yaroslav and his team! I'm not saying goodbye to you, let's move on together, pump up my femininity and get the most out of life! I love you. :-*
Yaroslav, hello! I want to tell you how I came to you for the course "The Way of a Woman". I have been trying for a long time to attract a successful and decent man into my life as best I can. I attract a certain type of men into my life, try to build relationships for a long time, do something wrong, the relationship deteriorates and I leave myself. For a while I come to myself from disappointment, pain and resentment, and after a while I attract a man into my life again and everything happens in the same circle. I come from a family with unhealthy relationships. I have a difficult relationship with my mother. She inspired me with a lot of complexes and negative programs. I began to realize that something was wrong with me. That the men I attract into my life are of the same type and I don't have a relationship with them. I realized that I needed to change myself somehow. I talked with a psychologist on interpersonal relations, went to trainings, to placement. Of course, bit by bit everything worked out and helped. As a result, I realized that I have negative programs. Then I started watching videos on YouTube from various psychologists about the healthy relationship between a man and a woman. Something else in my head started to clear up. And suddenly, Yaroslav!!!! With his short notes about men and the right relationship with them. I watched all his recordings, signed up for 5 free lectures and realized at the very first lecture that this is what I need!!!! This is the knowledge, the base that I lack. I immediately decided to take the course "The Way of a Woman". And I was not mistaken. I am very happy with the course. It is competently built, from simple to more complex, incrementally. It's intense!!!! It is better to try to pass it in a stream. I tried my best!!!! But I'll calmly finish what I have left. I'm not worried. I gained knowledge and a magical "pendel" for action. I think the course is well thought out. Yaroslav is just a miracle!!!! He charges with his energy, positivity, and determination!!!! It is important!!! And he's a man, a successful man!!!! I wanted to hear a man's point of view!!!! Adequate!!!! And the psychologist and women's practices are girls!!! It's all right too!!!! I am very pleased with Alla's work as a psychologist. I really need her. That's why I bought a 2-step. I need to work out my parenting programs, get rid of the negativity. Yaroslav, pay attention to the fact that women of different ages take the course and for some age is a complex. This point should also be taken into account in the program. A psychologist can pay attention to this point. Many women are concerned about this issue. How much does age play a role in a relationship? What is the right attitude towards your age? The results of the course are already pleasing to me!!! But this is just the beginning!!! My attitude towards men is changing. I began to see them as protectors, getters!!!! I realized what I was missing all the time - men next to me, to be together, in the same territory. Before that, there were meetings - frequent and rare, and then - breakups....As a result of completing the course, I gained basic knowledge, which I really lacked. Everything worked out like a puzzle. When there is knowledge, there is self-confidence, and this gives the right state - calmness! I strongly advise all women to take this course!!! That's the best thing I've heard all along. These are the knowledge and skills that you need to possess in order to build a harmonious healthy relationship with a man!!! I thank you for this course!!! It is very useful to me!!!!
I am happy that one day I allowed myself to catch a glimpse, and then a thought, of Yaroslav Samoilov's Instagram advertising page!
If I hadn't paid attention to her back in February, I wouldn't have gone all this way and probably never felt like a woman!
And after the journey, I did not hesitate to follow the second module of the project - "Rebooting the past".
From the first glance at Alla, I realized that this is the kind of woman who really needs to learn from. After all, there are so many problems and negative attitudes in my head that I couldn't cope with myself until I was 30 years old!!! I just needed this module. And I believed that everything would work out.
Now I'm still in the process, I've just started to clean up, sort out and transform. This process is not fast, there is still a lot of work to be done, but from the very first days of classes, my condition as a person, as a woman, began to change. I am gradually turning from a masculine being into a girl. My attitude towards everything is changing, and most importantly, towards myself. And everything becomes easier, brighter, kinder, more emotional, more cheerful, more gentle. Life is playing with more and more vivid colors.
Relationships with relatives and non-relatives are improving, the material side of life is improving, I feel better physically.
I would like to shout and advise everyone to go through this path, invest money, time, and effort in their development, but unfortunately not everyone is ready to even listen to such advice.
Yaroslav, Allochki, Svetlana, zabotushki, mentors and the whole wonderful team, thank you for not being afraid to take a million actions once, so that now we can become happier! It's like saving a person from death. And maybe even more!
I admire all of you, I also strive to admire myself and highly recommend those girls who have read this review to try to change their lives under the strict guidance of professionals from Yaroslav Samoilov's team.
Your student Irina Shatalova
St. Petersburg. 2018 (stream 22)
I can say without exaggeration that getting to know the Yaroslav Samoilov Center turned my life around. For the first time I heard Yaroslav from short promotional videos and he amazed me and, as they say, hit the spot. I felt with all my being that he was talking about me and my life. And I've thought more than once: why didn't I find out about this before? If a Woman had taken this course at the beginning of her life, I think she would have turned out differently.
What did this Course give me? I was able to see myself from the outside, I saw clearly my relationship with my husband and my attitude towards men in general and how it affects the quality of my life and my daughter's life. I got to know myself, I fell in love with myself, I liked being Weak, Gentle, in need of the care and guardianship of Strong Men. I have stopped being afraid of male power and am learning to feel comfortable with strong Men next to me. And I also realized that my motto "I am myself" makes me lonely and poor. I've figured out a lot of things and I know how to fix my life. I will try to reanimate my relationship with my husband, but if I cannot do this, I know for sure that I will be able to build a New relationship with a Decent Strong Man with whom we will be happy, no matter how many years fate gives us. And what is especially valuable: I know that there are People next to me who believe in me, who will support me, and really want me to be happy. Heartfelt Thanks to the Courageous Caring Yaroslav, the Wisest Sorceresses of Alla, the Angels of Mentors and the Sweet Gentle Cares! I trust you and I'm moving on with you.
I would really like my girlfriends to go through the "Path of a Woman" because few of them are truly happy in the family: someone has replaced this happiness with work, someone lives with the "wrong man". And someone never met the one and they were left alone.
The girls are cute! My friends and strangers! Get a real women's education on the course "The Way of a Woman" and become happy and make those around you happy!
I was tired of being a woman "myself" and so I started looking for how to become feminine, soft. I've always wondered how to become like this. who is not given gifts for sex. And I found Yaroslav's free master class. And after that, I realized in what impenetrable darkness I was sitting, that I radiate, that I attract beggars. The words "You have to invest in yourself!" really came to mind. and I decided to invest in the person I love most - myself. It was scary because you have to step out of your comfort zone and drag yourself by the hair. But there are so many people like me gathered here in the training, and everyone has the same problems and fears. I realized that when you live it all together in a team, prescribe it, then the fears go away. The whole structure of the training is very competently built. We were led to the light like little blind kittens. And the epiphany came:))) For me, the scariest thing was to ask men for gifts or help, but now even if they tell me no, I straighten my shoulders even more and thank them with a smile. And my self-esteem is growing every day, that little girl who closed herself off from everyone in childhood has now come out and is enjoying life ..... The look has changed in relation to men, I began to compliment them and look for only positive things in them. And gratitude from them pours over me in a torrent, flowers, walks, gifts and admiration. I recommend everyone to go to the training!!!! Your life will be divided into two parts, all your tenderness, femininity will be revealed and the men next to you will feel it. :)))) I want to make a satisfied woman even more satisfied!!!!
See original
Anonymous review
February 20, 2018
I am 42 years old. I have been divorced for 12 years..it was my first time at the training.. and, having got on the path of a woman, I really regretted that I did not know about it before!!!The path helped me to let go of the vulgar and continue my life!!without looking back, without unnecessary evidence that I can do anything on my own...all the time after the divorce, I lived with the idea of proving to the whole world and, especially, to my ex that I could handle myself..And, characteristically, she coped..No one helped..I wanted to meet the one, but I didn't notice any men around..and they didn't bother me either.. but THE PATH OF A WOMAN has changed everything!!!Helped me let go of the past!! And, surprisingly, I had desires!!! Men appeared in the surroundings!! However, there have been no gifts yet, but this is just the beginning!!! A taste for life has appeared!!! all my friends do not recognize me, they say that I am too joyful!! random passers-by make compliments!!! And it's so nice!!! MANY THANKS to YAROSLAV and his team!!! special thanks to the Girls!!! The psychology of relationships is so sorted out!!! I'm thrilled!!! I will definitely go on my way!!! and I advise everyone!!!
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Anonymous review
April 26, 2018
I want to share a review about the best and most effective training in the world "The Way of a woman". I came to the path in order to learn how to understand male psychology and interact properly with a man)). At the age of 24, I still had no serious relationships, only short-term relationships. With men, I behaved more like a victim and did not appreciate myself, adjusted, did not know how to ask for gifts. Before the training, I was a little doubtful about the result, when I read the reviews of other participants, I thought maybe it was all true and decided to try it on myself))Now I understand that I made the right decision in my life))the knowledge that I received is for life, and most importantly, my condition has changed!!)) I felt like a decent woman, a princess, I became more confident in myself and finally I began to be surrounded by decent men)) I won't lie, it was difficult in places and I broke myself, but I realized that I was doing this for myself and my transformation!
during the course, I learned to distinguish decent men from beggars, ask the right questions, thank and ask for help, it turns out that men are so responsive if they behave correctly as a woman)))
During the course, I received money of about $ 1,000, I began to receive invitations to dates and blossomed like a flower)))
now I know exactly life will never be the same again, all thanks to Yaroslav and the team)) the course has a very convenient format, lectures can be reviewed, mentors help with various issues. I have plans to complete all the modules) Girls, I advise everyone to take this course, you will definitely not lose anything, you will only gain)) the state of the princess and the butterfly in her stomach is simply indescribable)). Yaroslav, thank you for changing my life!!)))
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Anonymous review
February 22, 2018
Yaroslav and your gorgeous team!!!!!!! You create magic and change lives forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!))))), It really feels before and after!!!!!!!!!!! I am a happy woman again, an angel and a princess, open to this world, to men, ready for a new relationship with a real man!!!!!! The past is in the past!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I get to know, meet men, there are a lot of friends and acquaintances on my 21st Stream!!!!!!!! There are a lot of discoveries, a lot of work on yourself and not simple, the program is so diverse, unpredictably made: sometimes it looks like a game and a quest))))))), a lot of serious topics, deep ones, and meditations are magical!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really don't want to stop there, just go full speed ahead, I'm going to all the modules for sure!!!!!!!!!!!! The results are already visible, the feeling of being new, light - they are wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Yaroslav as a man for organizing the best training in the world "The way of a woman!!!!!!!!!!! You're the best at what you do!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your team is perfect and brings happiness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck to you!!!!! Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And happy February 23rd!!!!!!!!))))))
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Anonymous review
February 22, 2018
Hello everyone!! A few weeks ago, I got into the training "The Way of a woman". I didn't panic about going through any training, especially on such a topic. I always thought that if I was going to learn something, it was how to make money and succeed. But I was wrong. A few introductory free lessons with Yaroslav 180 degrees changed my point of view and allowed me to understand how wrong I was.
Before the training "The Way of a Woman", I adhered to this attitude – I can do everything on my own, I don't need help, I didn't accept it even when I really needed it. Because of this, there were serious problems with the male sex. They told me straight out that they didn't feel like men with me.
I went to the training "The Way of a Woman" and did not regret it)))) Classes with Yaroslav were very interesting, sometimes "tough", sometimes funny (he has a special sense of humor, which is found only in some men, and in general he is a very cool man), but the classes were always useful and allowed you to look at yourself and men from a different angle. To understand the motives of their actions, the feelings of men. Classes with Allami also brought great benefits, thanks for them separately!!!
My results after the training: I finally began to love myself, which was the most important and important thing for me. Now I'm in a great mood, even if I'm not in a relationship. I understood the psychology of men, learned the way to their hearts. Now I get compliments and gifts, they are ready for anything for me, they say that I am perfect and the best))) I understood myself, learned many practices and "tricks" that helped me to reveal myself in a new way – not to change!!!
I recommend this training to every woman, it will allow you to look at yourself, men and the world in a different way. Yaroslav is really a professional, he has not theoretical, but practical knowledge – that's what I appreciate the most)))). That's why his training is so effective. If you are still thinking about whether to follow the "Path of a woman" or not, then
See original
Anonymous review
February 27, 2018
Hello, Lovely Girls and Manly Men! I'll tell you about my Way as a Woman. I guess I was a good girl and fate gave me a gift - a free course "Man.Honest Instruction." In 5 days, I realized that I was living in a world of illusions. That I, beautiful and smart, like an undertaker, bury myself and my relationships. She blamed everyone, grumbled, commanded, and took offense.
Already on the first day, I felt the result through my husband's behavior. I paid for the "Woman's Way" - immediately!!! 😍😍😍
$200 - if someone had told me earlier that this amount would turn my life around, I would not have believed it and would never have paid. That's how many Women don't believe in themselves, regret investing $200 in themselves, but want men worth a million. AND I BELIEVED IT! And they believed in me. After all, the program offers the possibility of a full refund! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🌹🌹🌹
For a whole month, a great team worked 24/7 on me and other angels! They are all professionals, and most importantly, they have passed themselves and from their experience they give knowledge worth a million for $ 200. I still don't believe it! The miracle is real!
What has changed? That's it! All the resentments of the past, relationships with parents, love, sex! Oh yes, SEX! I didn't even think about what kind of eyes I would look at my man with. That he would give me bouquets and gifts. And the main thing is that now he says all my mistakes, I'm getting better! I don't have to endure, now I can speak openly and correctly. I can't convey all the aspects of men on the street helping, children smiling, harmony.Life itself throws boring, whining people overboard, although they also have huge potential. Everyone has potential!!! And you! The main thing is to believe in yourself, evaluate yourself and trust the professionals! I have a new life, I am sure that my future children will be happy, I have changed the birth script, I have become self-confident, I have found my calling! Are you ready for a transformation??? 💋💋💋
With gratitude and a smile 😘
Hello everyone, I want to share my story of femininity, before the path of a woman, I went through a lot of steps to transform myself from a victim into an adult person, but the question arose about family, the desire to meet a worthy and only my man, before that I was in a relationship I've been married for almost 10 years, which is also a part of me and this experience has taught me a lot, like any other, I really like to study and explore myself! So I live like this, all beautiful🧚🏿♀️🧚🏿♀️🧚🏿♀️, I communicate with men, I go on dates, but inside there is a strange feeling that there is something that is not in me yet or I have not yet recognized it in myself, since communicating with men, It was partly in the role of mom and teacher, which, as it were, did not give exactly the fruits that I wanted!!! Having started studying with Yaroslav, I was very interested in how it would affect me and I was energetically saturated with information, and tried to ask everything in practice, and lo and behold, the changes did not take long to wait!!!!💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼 I wrote reports and felt how something inside was changing, opening up, waking up, how the boundaries and barriers between me and men were erasing, how the energy was changing at the other end of the wire. In my opinion, all self-respecting girls should go through this training🧚🏿♀️🧚🏿♀️🧚🏿♀️, to get to know yourself and your nature, I advise everyone, an important point is that there is a lot of practice here, which allows you to take for yourself only what is close to you and live your experience and Formulate your own individual style, put your soul into everything that happens to feel how feminine strength and energy grow in you!!!!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Now, I have met a man, ♥️♥️♥️♥️ no one has ever treated me like him, yes there are certain moments, but I enjoy myself next to him and feel how good he is)). 💏💏💏💏This is my first normal honest relationship in the last 10 years and it's like being born again and learning to walk!!!😊😊😊 Lovely girls 🌸🌸🌸accept everything that is given to you and take the maximum, do not resist and do not criticize, feel the softness inside and trust in this world!!!! I hugged everyone!!!!😘😘😘😘
Dear beautiful girls!))) I want to share with you my experience of Yaroslav Samoilov's training "The Way of a Woman" 22 !!!
Before deciding to take this training, I listened to free online broadcasts for about a year and a half, and every time I was charged with them, I dreamed how cool it would be to finally have the opportunity to go to a paid course! Because the information was so valuable and well-collected that there was no doubt after the first free 3-day broadcast.
And then 2 more Alleys connected, and it was fire.. Fire, when you do even a small mini-practice, and tears are already flowing. Firstly, realizing how powerfully it works, and secondly, realizing the amount of work that needs to be done on yourself if you want everything in life to be different ...
of course, I have not been in such difficult situations as those girls who have several children, plowing and at the same time, they tolerate the piggish attitude of men towards themselves. But as time went on, I realized that I was watching decent men only from the sidelines... I really wanted such a man with a capital letter to be next to me, and I had the ability and wisdom to build a happy long-term relationship with him! Therefore, I clearly decided that I would not postpone and wait for "better times", and that it was time to act!
The training is built in a very convenient way - it is a very convenient online office! these are also notifications coming in the mail! even if you are a kettle on the computer and the Internet, it is unrealistic to miss something or not figure out how to write a report for the task, because everything is extremely simple and clear. But another pleasant thing that will surprise those who will begin to undergo training is how the excellent Care department works! Even if something is not fully understood, they will always explain it to you 100 times. They will always respond to every message. they will always support you with a kind kind word if you do not have time or are a little behind))
Already during the first week, I realized that my own view of the world and perception of situations were changing... I realized that I was becoming calmer, more confident.. I am more confident not because magic happens, but because by performing certain tasks and breaking myself, as if you are overcoming some kind of internal springboard, realizing that everything is not so scary, and doors open to Another New World in front of you :-)
To simply say that the attitude of men towards me has changed is not to say anything) the man with whom I was "in a relationship" at that time, as I thought, seemed to me an immature little boy with his insults and internal complexes, who, by the way, turned 40 the other day... Before that, I was terribly offended that he did not call first and did not show up in any way, and I was really worried about this (gifts and financial support were not even discussed!). But already the first week of the training was so bombed that it became ridiculous.... from myself.. from all this... from allowing myself to be treated like this.. and from the fact that I myself agree to an unworthy relationship! MY INNER STATE HAS CHANGED DRAMATICALLY! My eyes have opened!
Lovely wonderful representatives of the fair sex!)))
we are all gentle and longing for love and happiness in our souls... But without understanding your inner world, it is very difficult to create the desired result in your life, to attract the desired man.. It is very difficult to stay calm inside if there are fears and misgivings.. If we were once raised not to be fit for this world... If past traumatic situations in life do not allow us to find inside that state of calm balance of the angelic princess, when this world has nothing left but to go to meet us.... Then you definitely need to do something about it!
Path 22 has changed me, and the changes are continuing, as I am a little behind all the participants.. The results to date: men admire my sincerity when I tell them something that I would never have dared to say before and thought it was shameful and inappropriate.. BUT it turns out that all techniques are the most powerful tools and techniques that definitely work!!!
also, decent men have appeared in the field of communication who do not even know what it is "not to pay for a lady" or "not to provide transport to get to the meeting place" - this is normal and natural for them! And also, the most interesting thing is, when I thank you for this, they look at me strangely and say with a smile that "there's nothing to thank you for, it's okay :-)"
The advice to all the girls who decided to go to the training "The Way of a woman", which I want to give: put aside all business. complete tasks from the first day of opening your personal account. Don't put it off for later. The amount of work is good and energy-consuming ;-) it will definitely not be boring!)))))))
Good luck to everyone on the new "woman's way"!!!!!!!!!!!
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Anonymous review
February 23, 2018
It took me a long time to decide to take the course "The Way of a woman", but he appeared in my life at the right moment. Classes with experts and assignments were not very easy for me and I was constantly running out of time. But despite all the obstacles, I was able to become a better woman and much happier. Everyone around me says that I shine and glow. I began to smile more often and pay attention to men. I work in a managerial position and, just think, for almost 5 years I have been doing everything to make men perceive me as an equal and as a professional, and not as a woman. Now I realize that it was a mistake and I'm trying to regain my feminine essence :-)
I'm going through the "Woman's Way" now, stream 22.I understood different points more deeply, I realized what I was doing wrong. There are a lot of questions left. I've done half the tasks. not all meditations were downloaded, I tried several times (they said to try again), master classes on weekdays start at 22-00 Astana time and for 2-3 hours, and everything is important and everything is necessary and you are afraid to miss something, you sit tired after a working day and look at the next days and somehow not holistic perception. It's certainly stressful. meditations, if you really "concentrate and feel", somehow make it easier. but it's not easy to listen to them because you realize in the process "that everything is wrong with you", a feeling of guilt and some kind of anger rises. the technique with the subconscious mind does not work. in general, there are improvements in the well-being and attitude of men. the fact that I have done some tasks suggests that I am not ready yet and have my own internal limitations).
there were pleasant moments. I learned to recognize who is worth my investments in terms of time, energy, etc. and who is just a beggar and I need to forget about him, for which I thank Yaroslav. she began to pay even more attention to her appearance. some videos in vimeo don't always load, it's easier on the phone, but YouTube videos are better from a computer if you want to write a comment and questions. in this training, the main thing is to do and not whine, and this does not always work out)) it will be very uncomfortable to perform tasks, but those that I have done have borne fruit in the form of awareness of my qualities and how others perceive me.
The way of a woman is the coolest school in my life. thank you! During the course, I changed my attitude towards myself and men. Men became more attentive and began to fulfill requests with pleasure. Give presents.And I can see how happy they are. It's incredible! And Yaroslav warned that he would have to work on himself! Girls, it's very difficult to say goodbye to that unhappy and not happy self, but I want to tell you, try and do not doubt! The right pumping of femininity is here!
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Anonymous review
March 16, 2018
Hello everyone I am writing from a hotel in the Emirates, from a fashionable area of Dubai, and I do not believe that this is reality, not a dream or an illusion!!! This is the first item from my list of "100 wishes", which I wrote on Yaroslav's instructions at the very beginning of this amazingly effective training "The Way of a woman". The name speaks for itself, Yaroslav really showed us the way by following which women grow wiser, return to their natural state, from which all "I want" turns into "I get" with the help of beloved and loving men!!!!! Lovely girls, since Yaroslav teaches, no coach in the world teaches! I know what I'm talking about, I've been through training more than once, and I've become smarter and more unhappy((( Yaroslav and Allushki have shown and proved in practice what our feminine strength really is, from what state we need to talk to a man, ask him for something, how to praise him, how to complain to him and a lot also, there are a lot of different pieces and chips that will make you and your life just wonderful!!! They will fill it with novelty and joy)))). I would advise every woman to take this Path(!) because, only for the sake of happy women, men are ready for feats, and only a happy woman they want to make even happier!!! If these words inspire you, then come here, girls, here dreams come true!!!
Hello to all the fairies, princesses, everyone who has passed the Path of a woman and who still doubts whether it is worth it!!! Girls, it's worth it!!!! 👆👆👆👆🤗🤗🤗🤗
Down with "I can do anything on my own", stop pulling on yourself, it's time to believe real men! And they definitely are, just open your eyes wider😍😍😍😍
I'm 35, my name is Anna. I got into the training when I was digging the Internet and trying to figure out how to live on - after 9 years of marriage, my husband dumped me for another, leaving me with my daughter in my arms. Mommy, a strong woman... and in fact smart duuuuuuaaaa🙈 That's who she was... 😭😭😭😭
I went to the training without a doubt. I didn't do everything, I confess. But I still have time to get to the end. That's the beauty of the Way. Do you have a wish? Work, the office is available. Review, reread, and re-listen. It's convenient and understandable 👍👍👍👍😁😁😁 a wonderful team is always there! And sometimes that's exactly what you need!!!!😘😘😘😘😘
I still have a long way to go before the angel. But the fact that I finally paid attention to myself is already my personal feat.
I will recommend only one thing. Training is a job, difficult, hard. Don't be afraid!!!! Take a vacation at work, the children go on vacation to their grandparents and go ahead. Devote time to your beloved. Consider this month a gift of fate👏👏👏👏👏👏
Hello dear beautiful girls!
I'm going through module 3. I'm still in the middle of this very module, although it's time to finish. I can't even imagine what will happen at the end. I'm way behind schedule right now. I go through meditation several times and keep doing it until I get stuck. After 2 modules, I was exhausted and exhausted. There are a lot of developments. I thought that I would not be able to master module 3)))))
But the miracle began to happen after the first three lessons - I felt filled with a small portion of life-giving coolness inside ...
I began to float like a feather in space, I moved from a dead point.
I expected rapid and powerful changes. This did not happen))))) And it shouldn't have happened- it wouldn't have caught on. Alla so carefully, gently, confidently and professionally leads me and the girls to a new area of our rightful place of residence. And along with the filling of pure energy inside, there is a reconfiguration to more subtle vibrations - this is facilitated by the theme of meditation and the very voice of Allochka.
Every day I get closer and closer to myself, I feel more comfortable inside. I calm down in the moment. The spontaneous fuss is gone, I switch to the "quieter you go - gently rocks on the bumps" mode)))) And it's funny that I don't do it on purpose. This is the result of realizations during meditations and practices.
And it is also very valuable for me - this is an experience and an example of truly feminine behavior, conversation and gestures from Allochka. In my life, I have already traced how a more feminine style of behavior and conversation is being adopted. My friends tell me that I have become a smooth and unusual Oksana. However, Yaroslav said that the environment will change - there is nothing for us to talk about. They peacefully dispersed in different directions with half of their former acquaintances. Some people ask what's going on. I give the azimuth for the training)))) Several girlfriends have already watched free webinars several times and, as I understand it, are going to move on))))
I have been working for many years to solve my questions and problems, finding and digging deeper again. I spent a lot of time with little effect, learned a lot and applied it in my life. But femininity did not manifest itself because I felt it, that there was more of it in me. Blocks and skills did not allow this to manifest itself.
Even now I am writing and I feel like I am floating from a river delta into a calm ocean and dissolution is about to come))))) It's magical!!!
Thanks to all the boys and girls of Yaroslav's team - every man deserves gratitude)))))!!!!!!
The course "Rebooting the past" has changed everything! If you want to feel comfortable with yourself, HEAR YOURSELF, stop reacting to external stimuli and get practices that will be useful for life - YOU ARE HERE! Allochka, thank you for your professionalism, support and for helping others to make themselves and be happy. Yes, you need to work hard for this. But it is better to strain yourself once and be happy ALWAYS than to mask the negative with superficial states every day just because it is more familiar. Thanks to the whole team, I'm going to the next modules!
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Anonymous review
June 5, 2018
After completing the course "Rebooting the past", I became calm and cheerful.a confident woman.In fact, unbeknownst to herself, life began to change for the better. in all directions.Thanks a lot to Alla.Your practices really work.The course proved to be very valuable to me.
To anyone who doubts whether to go to the 2nd module, I highly recommend it!!! Now I have magic tools and practices in my hands, with which I can help myself at any moment)))
My condition has changed a lot. Fears and resentments have gone away and self-confidence has appeared. Negative programs of the past have been worked out, the power of the family has been revealed and the acceptance of parents has come! I learned a lot about myself and kind of saw it from the outside. So I can change and improve the quality of my life)))
I did a very good job with the magnificent accompaniment of an amazing Allochka and the support of a Caring Mother. Many thanks))))
Hello everybody! My name is Irina, I am 31 years old. I got on the 21 stream path by accident. The moment I came across the free Man Honest Instruction course, I was in the most terrible depression, and on the first day of the course I decided that I was going on the PATH of a WOMAN. I came as a strong woman who can do everything on her own and does not ask anyone for help. I was in a love triangle for many years. I completely lacked any adequate self-esteem, I was convinced that I was unhappy - because I had a man who didn't love me, or because I didn't have children, or because I wasn't married, and that if something happened to me from this list, then I would definitely I will be happy! I was very angry, irritable, sullen and constantly working! Although my job is my favorite, but there I also went to extremes, in the sense that I have a free work schedule that I make up myself, but for some reason I decided that my clients are more important than me, and to the detriment of my normal diet, gym workouts, hanging out with a man, weekends - I began to work Like a horse!!! Thanks to the course, everything has changed very dramatically. It's amazing that everything can change so much in just a month!!! Thanks to the course, I realized that I was emotionally dependent in a relationship, before when trying to break our connection, I was very hard going through it, I didn't want to let him go, I felt so bad that I didn't want to eat, drink, I immediately quit classes in the gym and was doing what I cried and felt sorry for myself. In my relationship with this man, I behaved like a little girl - moody, jealous, who constantly demanded attention and love (my parents did not give me love in this regard, I never felt any warmth or love from them). For the last few years, I've been an unbearable devil!!! Now I understand this, and during the course - we often talked openly with a man, and you know what he told me after I confessed that I behaved terribly - he said that almost all girls behave like this, and some even worse. Thanks to the course, I looked at him differently, I realized that I love this man - for the first time in my life I wanted to give and give!!! Thanks to the course, my brains fell into place - and there is no emotional problem for me to part with it now, yes, I am still in a triangle, but now I am not in an illusion!!! Thanks to the course, I realized that I can be happy on my own!!! and for this, I don't need anyone, I have become more confident in myself, I have become more gentle and cheerful, I am learning to love myself (now I try to do many things out of self-love, for example, out of self-love, I will go to training, or I will make myself a weekend out of self-love), I I began to understand men, men began to show interest in me, and now I'm not afraid to get to know myself. You know how Alla the psychologist said - it's like your pink glasses will fall off, that's for sure - after completing the course, I seemed to soberly start looking around, more clearly and clearly!!! And there is also one pleasant side effect - many girls wrote that they did not want to drink alcohol, really - YES! I am VERY grateful to Yaroslav and his team for this gift in my life, but I still have a lot of work to do - this is just the beginning!!! I do not regret anything, if you doubt or hesitate, feel free to decide!!! Thanks again.
Girls, girls, women, everyone is welcome!!! At the beginning of the course, I had a lot of hidden fears that I didn't even know about myself, insecurity in communicating with men, 1 marriage in the past and 3 serious relationships after that, which seemed serious, emotional, and later very painful to me. At the time of completing the course, I "saw the light" ...))) or rather, Yaroslav and his wonderful team opened my eyes. The relationship was serious only for me, but not for the men I loved. Triangle, beggar and tyrant - a rich experience!!! It's a pity the wrong one! I realized how much I didn't appreciate myself...I didn't like it... I behaved very stupidly somewhere..))). At the start of the course, there were doubts whether to participate or not, because I had already completed several women's courses, but Yaroslav's charisma struck me down. And I decided! And for good reason!!! The experience and advice that Yaroslav shares are very valuable to me. All lessons are valuable. I haven't done everything yet, but I will definitely do it!!!!! Girls, the mood is changing, self-esteem, a rethinking of many life positions is coming!!!!! You change - from a somewhat cold woman with complexes, you turn into a girl, a delicate flower, a flower)))) It is noticed and felt by others and men))). I wish every woman to feel gentle, sweet, beloved, and Yaroslav's course, I believe, will bring this moment of female happiness closer!!!!!
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Anonymous review
April 26, 2018
Beautiful girls, hello everyone!!!!!))I was in a terrible state after the breakup of a relationship when I accidentally saw a free five-day online broadcast by Yaroslav Samoilov on the Internet.And I realized that "THE WAY OF A WOMAN" 22 is exactly what you need!!!!!))This course has been a jolt for me!!I had to "work on myself," as Yaroslav said.Nothing comes easy and just like that.During the "JOURNEY" there was everything from a terrible emotional state to an upsurge of emotions.The support helped a lot!!!))The team is super!!!)The tasks are selected very competently and well.My eyes just opened!!!The attitude towards men has changed, even she began to talk and treat her son differently and in response the same thing.I returned to the state of a happy girl)))I GOT MYSELF BACK!!!!!!!!She became a calm, affectionate, gentle girl at the age of 38)))I learned how to ask men for help and not do everything myself, I learned how to thank men correctly, I learned how to express and show my emotions correctly.I've learned to live in harmony with myself!!!Many thanks to Yaroslav, Allochki and the whole team for this!!!!!Of course, I still have something to work on. "THE WAY OF A WOMAN" 22 is a start, a leap forward and the realization that I want it and I need it. Devulichki-kasotulichki, "THE WAY OF A WOMAN" IS A STEP INTO A NEW LIFE, THIS IS A WOMEN'S HIGHER EDUCATION!!!!! Go, walk, get a proper female education!!! You deserve it!!!))
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Anonymous review
April 25, 2018
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU just CAN'T PUT this GIRL's condition into words, you need to feel it!!!!! And, only by trusting Yaroslav and his course "THE WAY OF A WOMAN", I begin to return to this amazing state - A HAPPY WOMAN!!!
I am 29 years old, single and only now I understand that this is good :)), I REALLY WASN'T READY FOR THIS!!! There must be one woman in the family!!! And I've always been such a strong woman, inaccessible, a mystery, all by myself - a real airborne!!!
THE COURSE "THE WAY OF A WOMAN" IS REALLY THE COOLEST COURSE!!! It is so designed that you can "PUMP" yourself from all sides!!! And it's true!!! You just need to work on yourself, ACT!!!
Thanks to the PATH, I realized: the first person in my life is Me! AND I AM, FIRST OF ALL, A WOMAN!!! I realized how much I still WANT in this life and that it's all real!!! I realized that it is very important to be able to tell the truth and accept the truth, especially the truth about yourself through the eyes of men!!! I realized that I DESERVE to live the way I want!!! I realized that you need to always be in harmony with yourself, first of all!, you need to find time for yourself to just think, put your thoughts in order! YOUR LIFE NEEDS TO BE PUT IN ORDER! I realized that in order to become a 100% woman, you need to work hard on yourself, invest in yourself, develop CONSTANTLY, but it's worth it!
Hello everyone
I am a participant of the 21st stream “The Way of a Woman". I found out about the program by accident from an advertisement. After listening to the first free webinar, I decided to enroll in the course and I do not regret anything))) For a long time I lived in unconsciousness, the lack of a happy personal life prompted me to search for answers to questions that had been bothering me for a long time and, miraculously, I began to receive answers already in the first classes.
Thank you a thousand times to the coaches for not letting me get stuck in the "I am myself" setting, face my fears face to face and finally get out into the sun from my cozy shell)))
There was practically no doubt about going or not going, since the course was exactly what I was looking for, what the universe was asking for - to show me the way to happiness)))
Special thanks to the organizers for a convenient platform for distance learning and an information system. Everything is clear, logical, there is no feeling that you are left on your own. Yaroslav and Allochki are just agony, super professionals and handsome!
The interim results are very inspiring, I managed to reanimate myself and my personal life))) I have completely revised my attitudes towards men, and many fears have gone away. But the main thing is that the long-awaited meeting took place - a meeting with yourself! Today I tell myself - baby, I love you, everything is just beginning!
Dear ones, do not be afraid to act, any effort gives results!
I am a participant of the 21st stream,,The Way of a Woman,,1. Having been married for 21 years, I separated from my husband. We have been living separately for 2 years. I came to the course in order to change myself and understand what I want from a new relationship?
From the very beginning of the former relationship (and we had them like Lenin and Krupskaya), I did not like sex at all. My ex-husband was and is a mega normal man, a businessman, we often lived in different countries, I saw almost the whole world, but always as a woman was unhappy. He always had women on the side, which I looked at with understanding. If I don't give it to him, then that's my problem. That's how they lived.... Maybe it would have gone on like this if the woman he fell in love with hadn't appeared. And we parted ways. Now, looking back and studying on the course, I realized that I was a super mom for him!! And I never wanted him as a man! I was always looking for reasons in myself. I attended psychologists, vimbilding courses, auto-trainings, and read books on the topic... but I couldn't change anything in our relationship. Honestly, considering that I am elementary frigid and insecure.
When I started living separately, I started dating other men, and I realized!!!!! That I'm alive, hot, and everything works great for me!!!! And I started thinking about a serious relationship... But, since I didn't really know how to look for anything, where, what was needed for this... And these questions were constantly in my head. And one day I saw Yaroslav's post on Instagram!!! With his words, he got to the point of my questions. There was no doubt about it. I paid for the course right away!
I liked the course very much, the tasks were very extreme sometimes ... But all this brings me closer to my goal! The lectures of the psychologist are generally bombastic!!!! Everything was so right in my head! I saw so many mistakes in the past at once!
Yaroslav's lessons are beyond the pale! I realized that I like answers tough and specific!!! And the way he did it spurred me on in my growth!
The most valuable thing I learned from the course!!!! I believed and verified the fact that there are normal quality men in the world!!! They are there!!!! I have become more open, I almost always smile, people get to know me on the street, I can easily start a conversation, I have become much easier! I feel very young!!! Everyone says I'm a Masterpiece!!!! A miracle of nature!!!
I have no doubt for a minute that 10 out of 10 women of any age should take this course!!!!! Everyone will gain a huge layer of knowledge and skills!!! But, most importantly, it is the awareness of oneself, the vision of one's true mission, one's destiny!!!! Personally, I discovered THIS in myself!!!!! WHAT I NEVER SUSPECTED IN THE MOST GORGEOUS DREAMS!!!! I am happy, satisfied with myself, confident, open and free!!!
Many thanks to the whole team of Yaroslav and personally to the Guru of women's psychology Yaroslav Samoilov!!!!
Hi! My name is Nastyusha)) If you accidentally or not accidentally saw the course of the Woman's Path, it is definitely fate that sends you a chance to start a new life! Be sure to take advantage of this chance, especially if you don't understand why relationships with men don't work out when you're both beautiful and smart)). Life may not change dramatically in a month, but you will understand exactly which direction to move in. I studied a lot of literature on the psychology of men, all sorts of female experts and doubted that I would learn something new, but how wrong I was! The path of a woman 180 degrees turned my idea of the relationship between a man and a woman upside down. But I want to warn you, do not think that it will be easy, you will have to work on yourself, this is not the knowledge (put on a neckline and smile ...) somewhere you will need to break yourself straight, but our beloved Yaroslav will inspire confidence in himself and give you a magic pendulum)))) and the Alley for women's practices will set you up for such a super feminine state that you will fly. To be honest, I didn't meet my fate during the course, but now I'm ready to meet Him! And I will not miss my chance!
Hello, dear girls!!! I came to the "Woman's Way" after a series of free webinars "Man: Honest Instructions", which a work colleague eagerly told me about.From the first words of Yaroslav, I realized with horror how I behaved with men...A classic set of joints: a strong woman, a mom, a know-it-all... As a result, the divorce. My already weak-willed ex-husband has turned into a real rag...Although, as Yaroslav says, it is impossible to make a real man go astray!!!
Of course, I knew that I was doing something wrong, but I couldn't figure out exactly what my problem was on my own.Thanks to fate, I came to the "Woman's Way". Putting aside all doubts, I completed the course assignments. I just trusted the teachers Yaroslav and the Girls! She became a student. As a result, I become a confident woman, calm, peaceful, aware of my real feminine strength. How cool is that!!! Of course, I'm still at the beginning of the journey, because working on myself lasts a lifetime, but I already like my results. Only by becoming a real woman can you attract a decent man into your life who simply will not be able to pass by!
Dear girls! Don't be afraid of anything.Just start with yourself.It's great to be the mistress of your destiny, achieve your goals and just become happy!
Hello to all future participants of the training "THE WAY OF a WOMAN" I went to the training because I did not understand what kind of joints I have ... in relationships with men..they didn't want to voice what they didn't like...and I just started avoiding relationships, started looking for different courses and realized that Yaroslav and his team of experienced psychologists were the best!!!!because they explain and help in SIMPLE and UNDERSTANDABLE LANGUAGE!!! I started to look at many things differently...I've revised my worldview.....I'm still working on myself, it's a pity that I didn't find out about Yaroslav earlier, I'm very sorry!!!!!!!! Damn girls... we mess up so much....without even realizing that we are ruining our lives...I recommend and strongly recommend that we are not taught this at school, and my mother will not tell everyone...and they are girlfriends, yes...they will certainly advise....so then you sit there and don't know how to live....there are pros working here who sort everything out for you!!!! THANKS A LOT TO YAROSLAV AND HIS TEAM!!! YOU ARE REALLY THE BEST!!!!! Sincerely, Krynzhina Victoria.
Hello! I got carried away with the Path of a Woman course during free webinars. I was surprised that I was not behaving correctly with the man I loved. As I understand it now, it acted on his head, not on his heart. There were many doubts about the practical suitability of the course. But having partially completed the tasks, I already see the benefits in personal relationships. I can ask men for help, not just my husband. I'm grinding through the changes, and it was hard to talk myself into starting. As a result, I already respect myself and men, I have become able to thank and see men in them. I'm starting to feel like a girl. I began to wear dresses with pleasure. I wish the new ones to get into the pool with their heads from the first day of classes and try to follow the flow in the group.
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Anonymous review
February 24, 2018
I quickly decided on this course after watching Yaroslav Samoilov's webinar. I have completed the course The Way of a woman, I am going to module 2 soon.I will not say that it was easy, in some tasks I had to step over myself.During the training, fears, resentments, and anger have gone away.I began to love myself more, filled with life.I have figured out the psychology of men, I know exactly what kind of man I need.I realized that I was just starting to live, and more and more doors would open in front of me.I thank Yaroslav and his team for being wizards.You are one of the sad, insecure, offended, angry women, as if at the touch of a magic wand you turn them into princesses and angels. I highly recommend this course, this is not taught anywhere, neither in schools nor in institutes.Thank you very much.
This training is just something incredible! How Yaroslav inspires me! Having lived to the age of 41, being a beautiful and intelligent woman, I never thought that I was behaving incorrectly in principle, including with men. Having even completed a five-day free course, how did I understand a lot that I was messing up hard, I was a "smart fool" - but why??? From my behavior and inner state, numerous beggars-courtship were attracted)))I did not distinguish between the types of men at all.... in general, some kind of tin as I lived before:(((I am very grateful and grateful to Yaroslav, I am grateful that I saw him on Instagram, and I am going through his super training!!! I bought the 2nd and 3rd module, I carefully listen to everything for several times, I enjoy being in my new state) I will continue to develop in his trainings - it's worth it! Now only decent men have begun to surround me, now I just won't let the rest of them near me even for a cannon shot))) I received an offer from a decent man who I like to start a family. Now I know exactly what I want from life and men, and I am confidently moving towards my goal. Yaroslav, you are a genius!
I am 38, I live in Moscow, I am divorced, I have always worked very hard and hard, I certainly found something to occupy my free time, but my personal life did not work out from time to time... Some time ago, I seriously (and finally, absolutely consciously) started looking for a man for a life and a family. After completing the search training, I realized that I would decide on a candidate for such a serious role - only half the case, the main thing begins later: how to develop a relationship and make them happy? This question was most relevant, given that for quite a long time the relationship was unsuccessful and did not bring pleasure, happiness and satisfaction. I was looking for answers as to why... Having gone through all the stages - the denial of feelings and the need for a loving relationship and family, faith in an unsuccessful fate (they say, it is written in the family and nothing can be done), men have all now degenerated, I thought that perhaps the answer lies in a different plane. And to find him, I need a wise and competent relationship coach, but knowing how difficult it is to find the right specialist and also start trusting him, I continued to surf the Internet and ... For several months, I watched Yaroslav Samoilov's video with great interest. Then I accidentally got into the course "Man.Honest instructions" and realized that I lack the knowledge that a man can give, especially a successful and quite conscious one. I've made up my mind!!! ..and during the course, I received an answer to my question even deeper and more accurately than I expected. The discovery for me was not only Yaroslav's vision, but also Alla's lessons of a psychologist on generic programs. I realized that I absolutely do not know male psychology, confuse normal men with unworthy ones, give my heart to the latter, and, most importantly, without realizing it, I implement my mother's program - "myself", strenuously attracting beggars. The realization was bitter and powerful. What Yaroslav calls the Airborne Forces or a German officer is exactly like me... In addition to answering the questions - what is the reason for my failures and how to fix the situation, I certainly wanted to improve my relationship with the current man, although somehow gradually this goal became not the main one (I felt it already by the end of the course). I also seemed to unfreeze myself, began to get out of constant fear of men, began to try to ask and even sometimes get consent to my requests (so far the truth is on a small scale), but I believe that a more global "yes" is just around the corner, stopped being so afraid of refusals, allowed myself to look into the world of luxury and I will definitely repeat these wonderful excursions, finally decided to voice my desires specifically to the Universe, learned about the magical secrets of a True Woman who make you more influential (feminine) among men, relaxed on the topic of gifts to men, and most importantly, understood the basic law of Female Attractiveness - it's about yourself, your condition and the resource that you create for yourself). I believed that Men are wonderful creatures, that they are our support and support, and that it is not so difficult to find a common language with them) It feels good, damn it)! But ...During the course, it was mostly difficult and the emotional background was not always positive (sometimes she was just in a very depressed state). I lay down, holed up and slowly moved on. Mentors helped a lot, especially Sofia Khomenko, who supported in the most difficult moments, chat girls – inspired and gave inspiration). By the end of the course, I did not have time to finish all the tasks (about 60 percent completed)...I will continue to work! I think the best results are still ahead. I definitely go to the 2nd step to the Alley, I feel there is such salt that I cannot figure it out myself! Thank you for the course and I'm going further with you!
P.S. To anyone who doubts whether to take the course, I will say one thing – if you want real changes, this will be one of the wisest decisions on the way to true femininity.
She completed the training "The Way of a Woman. A reboot of the past." I really liked everything. High intensity of lessons. You need to pay attention every day. We managed to level the relationship with our parents. I have not yet managed to completely cleanse myself of all the accumulated emotions, but I am doing this, there was not enough time yet, since the training had just ended. Alla explains the material very clearly and dynamically. I am very glad that I got into this course.
I want to write my impressions about the course The Way of a Woman, the 3rd stage of the State of a Happy Woman. This is a deep course that helped me a lot to learn how to fill myself with energy, set personal boundaries. Through various practices that Alla gave, she learned to better understand herself through her feelings, how to create herself through her thoughts and actions, and not destroy, how to cope with difficult situations without losing all her strength. This information was very useful to me. Before this course, I felt very tired after completing the 2nd module of the Path of a Woman, and in the 3rd module I acquired many "tools" that I can use in the future to conserve energy and fill myself with self-love. Just don't be lazy!
Dear girls and boys!!☺☺☺My review of the second block of the women's Path "Rebooting the past" I am 49 years old and I came to the course when I realized that you can no longer live in the trauma of childhood dislike and constant claims to the world, to men, to parents. There are absolutely brilliant people working here, masters of their craft, who really helped me figure myself out and start living happily. Now I am free from my injuries and complexes, and if something comes up, then I know what to do and how to do it. The most wonderful thing is that I got not a fish, but a fishing rod and my gratitude has no limits.😊😊😊😊 I would just like to drag all the people of the court, it's a pity that I can't😁😁😁 Everyone has their own way, but if you come here, you won't regret it for a minute. You will definitely find yourself and feel that you are loved and valuable to the world👼👼👼👼👼👼
I got into the training "The Way of a Woman" completely by accident. At that time, I was talking to a man, and, thinking about what to do in one of the situations, I just typed my question into the search engine. As always, he gave me a bunch of pages...
none of which caught my attention, except for one. I started reading, and moving from one article to another, I saw a link to the free course "Man: Honest instinct".
I thought: why not?
I didn't expect it to be so strong! The webinars were led by Yaros Samoilov and two psychologists.
And after the first day, I signed up for the course "The Way of a Woman".
During these four days of the course, it was like an epiphany came to me! About what role a man plays in the world and what a woman plays. Why is he acting like this and she is acting differently? Why we think differently.. And most importantly! How should they communicate so that both of them are happy!
I realized for myself what it means to be a Woman. How to love yourself, what problems are there in me that interfere with my feminine happiness, and how to work on them!
Before the course, I seemed to float through life and in relationships with men like with the flow. Now I know exactly what I want from life and from men! And most importantly, what should I do to achieve my goal!
Due to the fact that the course is built so competently, and Yaroslav's explanations are so simple, competently and clearly stated that all the information is very simply "absorbed" into consciousness.
For me, completing tasks was not difficult, I did not have to "break" myself, since from the very beginning I accepted the role of a "student" and simply trusted the Teacher.😊
I simply had nothing to lose, because all my actions did not bring any special results. So why not try to do it differently? And I did. Sometimes it was right, sometimes it was wrong, but it continued to do so.
I can't say that the training has dramatically changed my life, but I realized myself as a Woman, and this, in my opinion, is the most important thing!
PS I would like to note another positive quality of this course by Yaroslav Samoilov, "The Way of a Woman", But all the negative ones are based on it.
He does NOT say what to do in specific situations, BUT TEACHES you to accept yourself as a woman, to understand men, their actions, thoughts and feelings. And this makes it possible to find the right actions in any situation!
I'm going through the second module "The way of a woman!" Working on yourself is the most difficult!This is a fact!My "treatment" training is very slow and difficult!Brain explosion from information and transformation!Painfully..It's hard..lazily..but I started to get rid of the concrete slabs inside me..The technicians of the second module are working..I finally started crying oceans of tears from the inside (I've never cried..I didn't have any tears..She swallowed all the pain and resentment inside herself..she didn't show herself weak)There are changes!Alla.professional!I know.that I made the right decision to study with you!Sincerely, Evgenia is your student!
See original
Anonymous review
March 6, 2018
Hello to everyone who reads this review!!!
Hello Yaroslav, Allochki, and the whole wonderful team of the Way! ���
(I'm writing from a computer, there are no emoticons here, but I leave a thousand kisses for everyone)
I am from the Path of the 21st century woman. And I can't say that I've come a long way, because this month I realized that my path as a Woman is a real, gentle, wise, filled, bright and easy Woman - I'm just starting))))))
And it's a great start.
Before the Journey, I learned to notice how I was copying my mother's program - the program of the controller, the general, demanding, giving orders, and in 90% of cases I couldn't even control it at the moment, but only after I noticed that I had "messed up" once again. Before the program, I had men, and even most of them were successful and worthy, I had gifts, I had opportunities to realize myself as a woman with their help, but I did not understand this and did not appreciate it. I always tried to do everything myself, even when I was offered help (that's how I was taught since childhood).
I couldn't change the script on my own, if there were any changes, they were very slow (((( And then I first came across Yaroslav's free course, and then an offer to go to a long-term program.
Of course, there were big doubts, mainly because I took personal growth training 10 years ago, but I didn't get the result (((
After seeing the result of the "magic sms" task on the free course, I still decided to pay the Way. And you know, I've never regretted it! )))))
Everything in this course is so competently and accurately constructed that even after completing not all the tasks, I have already received new results for myself!!! I got rid of one long emotional attachment to a man with whom I had not had a relationship for a year (I was even in a relationship with another, but mentally returned myself to the first, not even always realizing it), I began to allow myself to ask and accept the help of men, and life became noticeably easier, I learn to appreciate myself I am learning to enjoy every moment and live in a positive way, I realized that it is much easier to take responsibility and change my life than to blame others for anything. And most importantly, now I know HOW TO DO IT ;-)
I am immensely grateful to Yaroslav and the Girls for the accurate, understandable, and comprehensive presentation of the material, for their inspiring lessons, for their boundless faith in us and for the endless love that they broadcast.))))
All that used to be a question of HOW to be in a sunny state when everything is bad around, how to ask, how to find out something exciting from a man and at the same time not with a claim, how to become a woman who is given gifts just like that, how to interact with a man when he is upset or aggressive, etc. now it has become clear, and it seems even elementary.
Girls, our little angels who came to support us during the passage of the Path - they are such a godsend!!! There are just no words. In difficult moments, when I wanted to return to my shell and it seemed that everything was bad, sometimes a small text message from them was enough, and the world became brighter, I wanted to spread my wings again and flutter towards my goal, my changes.
And yes, if we talk about specifics, the world around me began to change, which means I'm changing too))) which is incredibly pleasing! Several cool, successful men have appeared in my social circle. One of them, being in London, offered to bring me a gift from there. And I haven't even met this man yet!! Instead of the usual "I don't need anything", I opted for good cosmetics. Another generally random passerby gave me a rose just like that (for comparison, before, they didn't always give me flowers even for others), but already how many truly feminine compliments I began to receive, and from both men and women....)))))
And of course, during the Journey I made many new pleasant acquaintances in the form of other students!
Girls, make up your mind to make changes! That's great! The world can be a better place, and we can make it so ourselves (before for me these were pretentious words, now I understand what I'm talking about).
It is difficult to overestimate such a contribution to oneself! The path of a Woman will show how you can live and act from a win-win position when you feel good and the one you interact with! ))))))
And besides, the tasks that Yaroslav gives are applicable in relationships with other women too. So, a week ago, in half an hour (!) I received a pro-visa at the consulate, the production time of which is 3 working days, simply by applying one of their techniques obtained on the Way. They also gave me tickets to another country
Allow yourself to become a little (or even a little) happier right now! ))))))
I chose this training after I saw the changes of my friend, I saw that she had a different consciousness, a different mindset, in relation to men, and I became interested in this. With men, I behaved like a "German officer" and the status of "myself", as my mother taught me 🤷🏻♀️I had a career goal to take the position of a manager and I did not know how to share my fortune at work and with my man, I always taught him how to live, told him how to do the right thing, argued, gave advice, reprimanded more than I was not happy with, than I was happy with. I was skeptical about all the trainings, I thought divorce, etc., but when I saw the changes in my friend and realized that it really works!!!!! I really liked the structure of the course, all the lessons are in the right order, the support of mentors, the care department, answer all your questions and do not leave unanswered!There is support and gives strength and motivates you to practice on assignments! To date, I already look at men from the other side, I have become better versed in the psychology of men, with the help of the course I learned to ask several questions to men and roughly understand what kind of man is in front of me and draw conclusions, and most importantly, I began to change myself, my attitude towards men, that you need not be afraid to be necessary in helping men, because they will be happy to help, I realized that men want to make a woman happier, and we need to learn how to accept it! If you are reading my review, believe me, this training will help you become more feminine, remember why a man needs a woman in general and why a woman needs a man, help you understand men, distinguish decent from beggars and most importantly - always, in any situation with a man, remain a decent woman and develop yourself as a woman First of all! This is really an educational training, not a divorce for money and not super advertising! I am very pleased that I passed this module and I will recommend it to my girl friends.
This is a super place!!! A place where the wrong women are made into real ones!!!! Unfortunately, no one taught us this art, neither grandmothers nor mothers, because they themselves are traumatized by rigid frames and attitudes: "I must do everything myself," "men are all the same" and, my favorite, "all men are goats" and "a woman must endure"😩 But on this wonderful course, Yaroslav, Allochki, Svetlana are just cool professionals. It's so nice to trust them and discover a completely different world💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻 You just let yourself behave with men the way you always wanted to, but it was scary👍👍👍 And everything is upside down😍😍😍 Thank you very much!!!!
Well, here is the second module behind on the Path of a Woman!!!! I was really waiting for him and frankly, my expectations were fully justified! For me, psychologist Alla is a five-star professional!!!!!! Her master classes are expensive, and the techniques do not just work, but work wonders. The main thing is not to be lazy, trust completely and do everything they say! I can listen to Alla endlessly. Everything she talks about goes from heart to heart. You seem to know all this, and you've heard these truths more than once, but when you hear it from Alla again, everything just falls into your heart. Thank you very much!!!! You are not just helping women to become happier, you are making this world happier!!!!
Girls, keep moving on and changes for the better will not pass you by.!!!!
Life is wonderful!!!!! I love and thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The desire to undergo women's training has been long overdue. And then Yaroslav)) I can't say that I immediately fell in love with Yaroslav's manner, but the main thing for me was in him and his words – that the responsibility lies with me, so I can do everything the way I need to. Of course with the help of a mentor))) And the fact that there are no slogans "how to manipulate men", etc., such things immediately reject me.
There are always doubts about the choice of a particular training, but I was greatly reassured by the money-back guarantee without explanation. The course is very dynamic, there are many tasks, they will always answer any question, great support and motivation in the chat. The experts are just a bomb! A storehouse of knowledge, exactly what I wanted to know.
Already during the training, my relationship with my husband began to change, in small things, but noticeably, it was important to me. Although no titanic efforts were made on my part. It's just that thanks to Yaroslav, it became more and easier to understand my husband's beginnings. In general, I began to understand myself more and discovered that I still have a lot to work out with myself. The psychology of men now seems clearer. Somehow it became easier in relationships with all men. And relations with her husband have become warmer. The most valuable thing from the course for me is, as it were, the base, the backbone, the laws of building relationships. There was some knowledge, but the training helped to sort everything out and start applying it. Which is very valuable.
If there is something wrong with your relationship, then know that you can improve it. The world is wide and bright, it is diverse, do not sit in the swamp of the usual pseudo-discomfort, take a step. It may be scary, it may be unpleasant, but this is just a step. And then another and another. You'll see and the swamp will be left far behind))) The training "The Way of a woman" helps to take such steps. When, if not now?
See original
Anonymous review
March 10, 2018
Hello) Here is my story of passing the "Woman's Way". I found out about Yaroslav from Instagram - his advertisement appeared in my feed magically during a very difficult period for me. About me: I have been married for 9 years, we have 2 children, my husband is an entrepreneur with a strong and tough character, but very family, homely, he asked me for both children, he has high family values (in contrast, I have an example of an unhappy relationship between mom and dad). At that time, my husband became interested in friendship with one girl (as I now understand, very "pumped up", perhaps she even took Yaroslav's course, since she used all these tricks on my husband, especially I learned this technique of "asking for money", which hurt me (my husband is not generous, for no reason does not give gifts and strictly counts money in the family)) Well: she admired her husband and praised him a lot (she knows him from business, she was at the beginning of the path that my husband went through 5 years ago and helped her). I won't talk about it for a long time, because I was going through it all too painfully (everything was hidden from me and I got to the point where I dug into his phone and saw 5-7 calls every day, they are in different cities). I started having panic attacks, I lost a lot of weight, because I knew: he couldn't cheat, he really wasn't like that, he didn't have many women, he didn't drink or smoke, he didn't go to parties, he was squeamish about one-time relationships, so I knew: one-time sex is unlikely, but affection and falling in love is much worse. Moreover, they had known each other for 1-2 months and my husband could not cross out the family and 2 children so quickly. And there was a dilemma: tantrums and showdowns would only put me in a worse situation. Over the past year, I have undergone many professional and personal growth trainings, I read a lot and work on myself, so I understood: she gave him what I did not give: compliments, respect, admiration for his strong qualities. In reality, I became a "gnome" with an eternally dissatisfied face in the birth of children and household chores. And also with the toughest tyrant victim syndrome that I inherited from my mother (they lived badly with my father since my childhood, they swore, my mother was eternally offended, she did not ask for anything out of pride, "all by herself", so now she is covered in diseases, her hands are being taken away, she had her thyroid cut out ...). I saw that if I continued like this, the same thing would happen to me... and my husband was a projection of my resentments - he was always to blame for everything, I, as I say, "ate resentments for breakfast, lunch and dinner." I am grateful to myself that I took the appearance of this woman as a sign that I want to change. And at that moment, I read the gorgeous book "Radical Forgiveness" about insults, victim syndrome and about the energies and subtle human bodies. My favorite phrase is "if you don't like the system, change 1 element and the whole system will change." It is not possible to change another person, but yes, you can change yourself. That's how I got into Yaroslav's course. The most difficult thing was to get over the habit of being offended and thinking, "why should I be the first to make good gestures?" Before the course, I took several classes with a psychologist, and in the fall I attended a training session where there was a "man-woman" part. I began to learn to accept the fact that the first step and gentleness is not humiliation, but the WISDOM of a woman. At the training, I did almost all of Yaroslav's lessons, so far I could not only overpower refusals and requests - or rather, I asked and received refusals from my husband 3 times, but I do not give up)). But the most important thing is my result for this month. I've become softer. I understand that I had a lot of masculine energy - I started my own business on my own, without the help and advice of an experienced husband, to prove to my husband that I was cool!! My son was 1 year old at the time, and now I don't have these classic maternal women in me... I even wore jeans with holes and leather.... although my husband said more than once that he loves femininity (by the way, objectively, I am a beautiful girl, tall slender blonde, but still with a lot of complexes due to thinness). Now I wear dresses and I really want to wear them, I put everything away from jeans. I wear heels. I am now in front of my husband only with a smile!! Recently, he said that he loves me (previously, to my "I love", he said "I know😂😂"). He began to speak to me noticeably more softly when we sit down somewhere at a table in a cafe with friends, he always sits next to me, and not where he has to (as before). And also, when I baked a cake with confessions on the assignment, he came up in the evening, hugged me and gave me money for a gift (he never gave them for no reason!!) and I, as a "good girl", immediately made an advance payment for them for modules 2 and 3😘😘😘 And I'm also learning to get high from the state of "being a woman"!, I began (for the first time in 34 years) to take baths with aromatic oils, pamper myself and listen to meditation at this time)) I really like them and they suit me! I'm learning to be selfish sometimes, otherwise it's not easy with children)). By the way, relationships with children are also changing: because of problems with my husband, I poured out all the negativity on them, and I was terribly worried about it. In general, my maternal instinct seems to be violated. The psychologist said it was because she was fixated on her husband. After letting go of the situation, the relationship with the children began to change, my heart becomes soft again, we are friends))💋
And I also feel that my energy is changing: recently we held a forum, after which there was a party at the club. I was with my husband, but other men made signs of attention to me, someone came up and offered me a drink, one girl came up to say that I was incredibly beautiful and she admired me, others just sat down to talk to me, I felt that people were reaching out to me! I know it's only been 1 month against 9 years for me, but I'm looking forward to March 19th and the start of the 2nd module, then the 3rd, and I feel like I'm at the beginning of a big journey that will change my life! Thanks to Yaroslav and the team!!!😍😘💋🌺🌸
I advise all participants to reset themselves before training, forget all their habits and patterns of behavior and just do all the exercises! Stop analyzing too much, being afraid and worrying. You will succeed!!🌹🌺
See original
Anonymous review
February 20, 2018
I am undergoing this kind of training for the first time and I took the course with my eyes wide open. My decision to take the Path of women is due to the desire to throw off the armor of a female teacher, mentor, to change the scenario of a woman's behavior-war, with hyper-responsibility. Some tasks seemed impossible to me, some were strange, and I scrolled through some lessons over and over again. Meditations showed me all my dislike for myself and helped me establish some kind of dialogue with my inner world, to understand my uniqueness. Although there were meditations that passed by my awareness (I think from inexperience) and were frankly boring. Special thanks to Ksenia Bondarenko's master class. Working with her body and feminine energy opens up new facets of her sexuality, femininity, and mannerism to a woman. I began to smile more often and show feminine weakness (it used to seem to me that this was the lot of narrow-minded "blondes"), I began to understand the nature of men more. The reboot program is running. Considering that I did not do all the tasks 100 percent due to objective and subjective reasons, I still advise you to take this course in order not to become an angel and a princess (ugh, this definition of a "real woman" irritates me to the point of trembling), but to understand the role of a woman in a relationship with a man, to become more gentle, alluring, wise in a feminine way.