A very interesting structure is installed on the water near the bridge. The approach is overgrown, so it won't be possible to get close in bad weather. From the bridge, you can inspect the remaining mechanisms, but the mill itself is in disrepair, the walls, like everything else, have already outlived their usefulness....
Будынак вадзянога млына. Пабудаваны на мяжы XIX-XX стст. Даволі добра захаваўся. Хацелася каб яго адрэстаўравалі, ды адкрылі якую-небудзь музейную экспазіцыю.
It's a cool sight, I highly recommend it to connoisseurs of the side, the history of their country. It's a pity not to get inside. I really hope that it will be restored.