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It was terrible!! Everything: both the hairdresser and the master Tatiana, who did not even spray herself on smiles, questions and conversations. The fact that they cut off all 10 cm instead of 5 cm is a classic of the genre. It feels like there is no eye at all, or maybe the TV with a program about Russian stars drowned out what I was saying.
It remains a mystery to me whether the "master" is familiar with the hair screening procedure, which she did to me, because she kept applying and applying products to her hair, but did not even wash off this product.
In the end, she dried and even ironed my hair, probably in the hope that it would look smooth and silky, and also sprinkled with a fixing agent to be sure and smoothed it all with her hand.
I stood and looked at my short hair with a "fat head" styling, and came out with TEARS IN my EYES...