On 12/16/2024, they were in hospital No. 3 with a child (adenoids were removed). I would like to express my gratitude to the operating doctor, Svetlana Aleksandrovna Medvedskaya-Martynova! Thank you for your professionalism, your hands, your approach to children, your love for your profession, competent and substantive answers to questions, and professional inspection. We need doctors like you! I also want to express my gratitude to all the medical staff of the Otolaryngological Department of planned hospitalization. It was comfortable being in the department, the medical staff takes a responsible approach to their work, and what is very important is the approach to children! thank you very much!
In 2024, the eldest daughter underwent surgery to remove adenoids and tonsils. The operation went well and quickly, they stayed in the hospital for 11 days with complete removal, all the staff are friendly, children can play in the hallway, no one scolds. Everything healed well, 10 days after discharge, my daughter went to the camp, they even called from the hospital after 1-1.5 months, asking about her well-being in the postoperative period. Now we are being monitored with another child in the catamnesis room and go to rehabilitation for children under six months old. Doctors and specialists are professionals who always help, show and answer questions about medications, complementary foods, motor skills, etc., and advise useful literature.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Lyudmila Novikova, head of the clinical and diagnostic laboratory at 3 GDKB, for her high professionalism and competence.
On 02.26.2025, Lyudmila Vasilyevna was contacted to resolve a controversial issue regarding the results of tests performed on an infant in 37 polyclinics and 3 GDKB on a paid basis. At the time of the appeal, Lyudmila Vasilyevna gave clear, competent and, most importantly, understandable explanations to an ordinary person (to me, as a mother, this is very important).
I have not seen such responsiveness, endless kindness and warm attitude towards patients for a long time, even in commercial healthcare institutions. The management is very lucky to have such wonderful professionals in their field. Appreciate and cherish them!
They operated on the child, thanks to the doctor for the work done.:the adenoids were removed and the tonsils were pruned. The appointment for the operation was a month in advance, there is time to prepare and try not to get sick (we did) a lot of tests - this is necessary for health and a positive outcome of the operation, it is better to go with perfect tests and a complete study from all the specialists where the child is being monitored. In the emergency room, the work is coordinated without any questions.Thanks to the anesthesiologist and everyone who accompanied the child to the surgery. To all the staff of 3 children's hospital.
One of the disadvantages is that you don't know at what time the operation will begin, it's difficult for babies to stay without water for more than 14 hours, you can't drink for 2 hours after anesthesia, and as a result, the last ones were operated on relative to the youngest. It is a pity that the administration and Managers do not take this into account to build a queue for surgery. (everything is fine after each one, you need to wash the operating room and change clothes and wash the doctors)
After arriving home, I was very afraid that they would not let me drink anymore.
From the bottom of my heart for Svetlana Aleksandrovna Medvedskaya-Martynova
From the bottom of my heart I want to thank the doctors of the otolaryngological department of UZ 3 of the city clinical children's hospital Medvedskaya-Martynova Svetlana Alexandrovna, Eromkin Vitaly Igorevich, anesthesiologist doctors (sorry, I could not find out the names of these humble, holy people ❤️) for their careful attitude, conscientious work, incredible skill and professionalism. As well as the people who took care of us during such a difficult postoperative period for us: nurses, nurses, cooks and even cloakroom attendants.
Special thanks to Svetlana Aleksandrovna Medvedskaya-Martynova, who, having extensive experience in tonsillectomy and adenotomy, recommended that we also remove tonsils, despite the complexity of the operation. Thus freeing us from the need to undergo surgery again. Moreover, we are not worried about allergies now. As it turned out, it was a consequence of the cocci that lived in adenoids. How pleasant and amazing it is to see how intelligence, cold calculating professionalism is combined with human warmth, decency, kindness and modesty in this beautiful woman. Thus, after three years of our hell: the endless struggle with congestion, with the child's academic performance at school. The doctor gave us ease and interest in studying, good health. The doctor gave us hope for our own hobby, free time for creativity, instead of hours of painful hours of lessons, a completely different quality of life.I feel like a paradise for my nerves.
Therefore, I consider it important to note this daily hard work of many years of study, work, and the burden of responsibility for the lives of the children of these humble, holy people! In general, I have not encountered a surgeon for as long as they are like angels in white coats for me.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, I wish you and your families health, happiness and prosperity
I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all the staff of the pediatric department number four for the rehabilitation of children from 1 month to 6 months. I would like to wish you a happy New year and Merry Christmas and wish you peace, well-being, good health and prosperity. Once again, many thanks to Tatiana Dmitrievna Korban, head of the department, for her sensitivity and attention. Thank you so much for your professionalism. I bow low to all the staff of the department.
We were in the 5th pediatric ward. Wonderful staff!
Victoria Sergeevna Khotko is a very good doctor and very professional nurses. I would like to mention separately the nurse Anastasia Gennalievna Belyaeva (very good attitude to work and love for children). Thanks!
I was in the neurological department at the beginning of winter. All I can say is that it's terrible! The attending physician was Alexander Leonidovich Losev, if he is a doctor, then I am a ballerina. I didn't like it at all from the very first day. On the first round, when I was wondering what they were doing, he completely discounted my diagnosis. For 3 weeks, the doctor's attitude was no different. As soon as I wanted to contact him, some cases immediately appeared, or he ran away to the resident's office. They started giving phenibut, when she said that the drug was not being used, then there was no question of changing to something else. As a result, she lay for 3 weeks completely without treatment. After being discharged from the hospital, the neurologist at the place of residence told me to drink the vitamins that were supposed to be pierced in the hospital, which they did not actually do. The procedures were prescribed only when the parents came with complaints, and the massage was even scheduled the day before discharge.
School in the hospital is also a separate horror. Children who have been in neurology with headaches, migraines, etc. should not worry and strain at all, but some teachers still do not understand this. Teachers of Russian and mathematics strongly came for you every day if you did not show up for lessons. They give grades worse than in schools, and if you ask them not to put them on the report card later, they will anyway. I would like to thank the teachers of Belarusian, history, English, geography and biology! Excellent teachers who not only give good grades but also worry about your condition during the lesson.
We are also very grateful to the nurses Irina Vladimirovna, Rita Olegovna (although sometimes she was strict), Tatiana Ivanovna, Victoria Leonidovna and the young nurses who were on weekends. They were really worried about our condition, they were always ready to help, and in general they are very good nurses! Also, the nurse of the treatment room Victoria gave injections wonderfully, special thanks to her!!!
I also want to thank the psychotherapist Irina Vladimirovna, she was able to prepare me for an MRI scan since I couldn't do it the first time. She is a very good person and a specialist in her own right, it's not scary to turn to her for help!
Some doctors from the emergency department are a separate topic. I remember most of all the young doctor who behaved in a boorish way. It was necessary to address him according to his mood. When the girl with epilepsy was shaking and wearing a top, he said, "I've seen few good EEG videos in my life, they put on their tops and sit shaking."
I would like to give special thanks to the head of Horlikova Oksana Alexandrovna! She treated all the children in the department as her own. She always stayed late at work for them and was ready to help anyone, even if she wasn't running your ward!
In the winter of the 24th, he was in the neurological department.
The boorish attitude of the staff, doctors (not all,
but most). The doors of the chambers are completely glass + windows. At the request to turn off the light in the corridor (the time was 22:30), the nurse's screams began.
I entered with headaches, on one of the days of spending time in this institution, the pain started again, telling the nurse, she went to the doctor on duty, on that day it was the senior nurse Doroshchuk O. N., and she ignored the complaint of feeling unwell. After the pain got worse, I went on my own to her, she yelled at me and said she wouldn't do anything.
2 weeks after hospitalization, an epidemic began in the department, in ward 328 everyone began to feel sick, fever, only one boy was put in a separate box (a paid ward for 3 people), naturally it reached the 327 ward in which I was, at night it began to shake violently, then threw into heat, then into cold. As a result, in the morning I tell this to the nurse, who also simply ignored it, the temperature was measured and recorded by themselves, the temperature was 38.5, so I wrote, they took the report card, 0 reactions, the doctor's bypass (4 hours after rising) asks how I feel, I say as it is, they gave me a thermometer, the temperature is already 38.8, they gave ibuprofen and that was it, loose stools, etc. I was discharged prematurely on my own, because I felt terrible, as a result, a doctor from the polyclinic came home (19 GDP, green meadow), vomiting began. I don't understand, it's just how much the staff doesn't care about patients, by that time 3-4 people had already accumulated from each ward with entero /rotovirus and continued to "work" as if nothing had happened.
Of course, not all the staff are like that, but they are there anyway. I would like to express special gratitude to the doctors Anna Leonidovna and Korotka Veronika Andreevna, they reacted responsibly and promptly to the complaints, there was an allergy — they gave the medicine, everything seemed to go away, there were headaches too, unlike the doctor I wrote about above, Anna Leonidovna, came to the ward and asked about her well-being, after they gave an injection "Triplets".
Very responsible, attentive and competent doctors. They react quickly, thoroughly examine and rehabilitate. Thanks for the great work and helping the kids.
We were at an appointment with Laura Pavlyukova Elena today. Because there is no Laura in our clinic.
Immediately entering the office, there was a boorish attitude and an increased tone of communication.
They immediately asked why we came here, I gave my answer, said that as I decided that the child's nose was not breathing, I told her and she rudely replied that my child was fat and breathing badly because of obesity
The child is 5 months old, and frankly speaking I was shocked by such communication from a seemingly experienced doctor.The whole reception raised the tone and proved that the child weighs too much, assuring that at 5 months we should be 6 kg and not 8.500. she said that we would not walk a year (who is she to diagnose)
She left the reception in a terrible moral state and has no desire to apply anymore.
There is no subordination in an adult doctor, he does not choose the tone and does not explain the words delicately.
I can only say one thing..HORROR! my mother and I went to our clinic, I was diagnosed with right-sided sinusitis, took a control picture after the antibiotics that I drank for 10 days as prescribed by the pediatrician,the diagnosis:left-sided sinusitis... there is no ENT in the clinic, they sent him to the infectious diseases department.There weren't many people who came to Lore, which is a plus!They offered to go to this terrible hospital.we arrived, and then my mother and I already realized that there would be meat... the first:there is a toilet only on the ground floor... excuse me, but how do I go to the first floor from 6 if I feel sick?so there's also an elevator that runs and eats 5 times, stopping on each floor when it wasn't called?Okay, we came to this lore, there are a LOT of people.our ticket was at number 50, on table number 28. we spent 3 hours in the hallway with small children crying and sitting there even more (by the way, we had an external guest reservation) okay, we finally went in.. MY MOTHER AND I HAVE NEVER SEEN SUCH A BOORISH ATTITUDE FROM DOCTORS..
Right off the bat, the doctor looks at us as if we did something to her. Mom explained what happened to me.I sat down in a chair, they looked at me and said that my ears and nose were clean, when my mother told us what pills to drink, the doctor laughed and said that we should have a puncture and be hospitalized.mom wrote a refusal and we were sent for tests.We waited for the tests for 2 hours, but we didn't know about it.We sat under the office and waited.The doctor who took my blood pressed so hard on my finger that it was all blue.we went back to the office and said that the tests were good.
Mom and I concluded that tomorrow we are going to see a good specialist in Lode, I think he will definitely help.
Well, I wish you good health and never come here.😍😍
We contacted kab 607 for the second time in 1.5 weeks with a repeated complaint of ear pain in a child. The reception was conducted by Kozhaev V.A. He was told in detail that the child for the first time in his life in 3 years fell ill with ottitis a week ago, there was no fever, the doctor prescribed UAC and said that paracentesis of the tympanic membrane was needed, in connection with repeated ottitis and a repeated course of antibiotics. To the question of why? Is it possible to do without? I answered no, to reduce the risk of complications and hearing loss. They did, I won't even describe the horror of the child and myself, because I myself was in a fainting state from what I heard. Of course, it's my fault that I trusted the doctor, but we go there for the opinion of the doctors. Yes, the child had a repeat infection, runny nose, but was it worth cutting, given the slight inflammation, lack of fever and the fact that there were no emergency complaints of non-decreasing temperature or chronic ottitis in the anamnesis? The pain in the child's ear was the same last time and quickly passed after ibufen and this time too. The whole family suffered severe stress, the child became more capricious, of course, you can't even drip your nose, you can't show the doctors - the fear is wild. It seems that the mother herself must be an ENT, so that her child does not get into a situation where the treatment does not correspond to the picture of the disease at all. I would like to write a complaint against a doctor somewhere so that other children do not become victims of neglect or inadequate treatment.
We applied for acute pain with a child - we waited 2.5 hours!!! It 's not so bad in the village of Minsk - there are no more children's doctors , so you can get even more sick while you are in the risk zone for so long ! Why can't we make a normal reception for children?! Aren't there so few pediatricians? Let's note that the population of Minsk is more than 2 million people! The guide think about it! After all, it is necessary to take into account the size and needs of the population!
The doctors are just super, there is a good buffet on the 1st floor. In my opinion, the dining room is not very good (in principle, as in all hospitals). The best team of doctors in the pulmonology department:)
I had to visit the hospital several times. The ENT doctors left very good impressions, a professional examination, they told me everything, explained everything, gave competent recommendations and prescribed treatment. They came to them after treatment of otitis media in a children's clinic, where they almost lost their hearing. But after visiting the hospital, my daughter finally recovered quickly and completely. That's what real professionals mean.
But my son and I happened to be examined in the neurological department, so everything is not so rosy there. After almost two weeks, we were still unable to formulate a diagnosis, which was done in LODE in the first 10 minutes of the visit. Over the next 3 years, the diagnosis was fully confirmed. So the department is so-so. Perhaps something has changed in these 3 years.
I want to express my deep gratitude to Goncharova E. D.
We applied on a day off, the child had severe wheezing. I examined it from beginning to end, I consulted it clearly and in detail. Perfectly interacts with the child. It helped a lot!!! Thank you very much, a very good doctor. We wish you success in your work and more such excellent doctors in our country!!!
The food is very good. With children under three years old, food is given to both mothers and children, the portions are large. That's where the advantages ended.
The baby's iron crib on wheels. The wheels are not fixed, so she always rides (you can't lean on her ...). In places, the crib is screwed on with screws, from which the hats are torn off and you can scratch yourself.
The bedside tables are also on wheels and are also not fixed.
Moms generally sleep on couches, with a mattress on top. The couches are all creaking and creaking. It is simply impossible to sleep on them, although you have been here for at least five days (five or more).
Terrible attitude towards people who stand in the otolaryngology department for emergency services.
There is 1 office for 1 patient for 40 minutes. That's horrible. The children are crying in pain, but the paramedics don't care. Considering that we arrived there by 17:30, only a few people passed and 2 of them were brought in by ambulance. We stood for a long time, turned around and went to a private clinic, where we were immediately admitted. Don't waste your time, don't download the kids!
If you want your child to be maimed and not provided with any medical care, and add a couple more diagnoses from improper treatment to your diagnosis, then welcome to the gastroenterology department!!! SUCH DOCTORS SHOULD NOT BE FIRED, THEY SHOULD BE PUNISHED, I HOPE THEY TREAT THEIR CHILDREN THE SAME WAY AS THE CHILDREN THEY "TREAT" IN THE HOSPITAL!!! I really want to believe that the head doctor or at least someone will do something about it!!
We have been in this hospital with a child twice, the conditions are good, the staff is excellent, the doctors are top notch. Of course, I do not wish anyone to be there, but the level of medical care in this institution is excellent.
I was lying with my daughter in the 3rd hospital in the pediatric department number 6. How nice it is to arrive there, the attitude of the staff to the patients is reverent, the medical staff are very attentive, responsive. The headmistress and the attending doctors are excellent specialists! While we were arriving at the hospital, I went to the doctor several times, then to the head and asked us to take several tests for different viruses, they never refused me, they answered with a smile, "no problem, we'll take everything" they took many different tests themselves to identify why my child is often sick! Special thanks to the nurses, our ward was always perfectly clean, everything was treated with special means several times a day! I want to express my gratitude to all the staff of this department! I've been to a sanatorium!
Excellent medical staff, excellent attitude towards children + they work fast enough and do all the necessary tests
Pediatricians can see that they know and love their work.
We found something that we haven't been able to identify properly for a year, thank you.I'm lying in gastro.Almost everyone gets FGDS, the queues are long, so if you want to get it done faster, do it without anesthesia.
Today, 10/26/2023. I arrived with a small child, who is very seasick, by taxi, from the other end of the city, from a Stone hill, across the city, with a referral from the head of the 4th children's polyclinic.
The child feels unwell, sluggish, severe dizziness and fainting, almost confusion!!! The child was refused hospitalization!!! They said there were no places. AND WHAT WAS I DRIVING FOR THEN?!?! ACROSS THE CITY WITH A SICK CHILD?!?....
I CALLED THEM AND THEY DIDN'T TELL ME ON THE PHONE that there were no places! !!
The attitude is groovy, especially in the 101st office!!! One blonde, on the right, was sitting at the monitor and the second in glasses with a square, did not bother to turn around during the conversation, sat with her back and talked to the monitor. Neither measured the pressure of the child, nor looked at the throat, nor listened with a tube!!! Nothing!!!!!!
I ask the top management to dismiss these employees, because they do not correspond to their position!!!
They were constantly interrupting, asking how it was in kindergarten, what happened. And I told them what happened with me, I didn't see anything through the walls in kindergarten, you can come up with anything. They asked other crazy questions. I wanted to tell you how it really is. So who's there to tell? The people who interrupted?!. As a result, I couldn't stand this bestial attitude towards myself and the child, took the documents and left the office. This one with Kare, who was still grinning. I'm thinking, is she inadequate at all??? As a result, the child got worse, I say, so what should I do now?! They tell me to come back another day. Going back and forth again?! With a child feeling so unwell?! Seriously?!?Is this normal?!... I was refused hospitalization. I called right in front of them, where is the doctor's post in the ambulance and I say, take the child somewhere, the child is ill, they told me, so you're in the hospital, decide with them. Who is there to decide with? ... 🤯 The ambulance said, decide with them, I say, I've been explaining to you by phone for the 5th time that I was told that there are no places!!! As a result, the ambulance gave me the phone number of the Ministry of Health and I will be calling there tomorrow morning.... How do you like to refuse hospitalization to a child in such a condition on the night and send him home ......?!😡🤬😡😡🤬
And yet, it turns out that you can do an encephalogram at the 4th polyclinic .... A woman with blond hair, short haircut and glasses told me about it. God grant her good health! The most human there.
Shortly... Conclusion: if you want to just roll down to them and listen to their nonsense and giggles, yes, hahanki - before...
❌No help was provided!❌It's a complete mess!!! I will call the Ministry of Health!!! Then you will laugh there and learn how to talk to people and you will not perceive children as meat!
I wish you all good health and a speedy recovery, but do not get here!!! 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
I supplement my review: as a result, the child and I arrived with the ambulance at the RNPC, at 24 F. Skaryna Street. and there we performed 2 operations on the child!!!! (a brain tumor was removed and a shunt was installed. And thank God we didn't get here!!! Which I am immensely glad about!!! The staff is disgusting and there is no help!!! Thank God the child is still alive!!!! All this is on your conscience, we all walk under God!!!
The food is delicious. Kind doctors and nurses, the only thing on duty is often no one, but you can find them quickly. It doesn't hurt to take blood and take out the ketors
We don't have good doctors, specialists. The slightest cold and the child is prescribed antibiotics without tests. Diarrhea and runny nose can be cured, the rest is not. It is better to contact Minsk only.
I was in neurology, the cleaner was positive, joking.The doctors are very kind! She lay there for almost 3 weeks and during that time they became like family.The doctor who went around almost every day was also positive, but he was in practice and when he left, the whole ward was sad (
The nurses are also good.When I got home, I didn't go to school because I was crying at the hospital, I really wanted to go back:(
The child was sent to the gastroenterology department. All the doctors and staff at their place identified the problem, later on during the examination they found another health problem, treated comprehensively. Wonderful attitude towards children.
She was in the neurological department. there are a lot of good nurses, but a couple of times they were too strict. but cleaners are a complete horror. in the morning, I wash alone in the shower and hear that someone came in, I thought it seemed, but then I saw a man in the reflection of the tile. to be honest, I was blown away, looked out of the shower stall and saw the cleaner. of course, I understand that this is a neurological department and the doors to the shower and toilet do not close, but what kind of cleaner came in when I was completely naked and washing?! What's the problem with waiting for a person to come out? of course I was shocked. another girl was in the toilet and a cleaner began to break in to her to remove garbage from the trash. they don't treat here at all, they just stuff everyone with phenebut. here all the children are lying with migraines and terrible headaches, etc. many people have increased sensitivity to light due to migraines, but no one cares. In the morning, the nurses turn on the lights for all. then it gives me a terrible headache all day. if you have a very bad headache that you are ready to climb the wall right out of pain, no one cares, you will wait for the doctor for an hour or more. the doctor will tell the nurse to give a painkiller pill and that's it, if it doesn't go away, then they will give an injection. there is no age separation, there may be a child of 6 years and 16 in the ward. it's a pity for small children who were lying alone without parents, what stress they experienced.
Applied 02.
05.2024 to the 607 office with a referral for hospitalization. We waited a long time. The electronic scoreboard is not working. There are a lot of people. The correct doctor and nurse took it. Unfortunately, the puncture was made immediately to the child, for medical reasons. They waited 1.5 hours to put the child in the ENT department. The attitude towards the child is normal in the department, all medical care is provided in full.
Impressions about this hospital simply cannot be conveyed in normal words (and this is a children's hospital). We had planned surgery (the child is 3 years old). There is one bed for mother and child in the ward (there is no separate bed for toddlers), sleeping with a child was not easy. It's draughty from the windows, food is generally a separate story (do you feed pigs or do you still feed children) an adult will not eat this, and a child even more so. Now the most interesting thing is, they came to remove adenoids, as a result they got a rotovirus infection (there were children with the virus in the ward and no one cares, everyone lies together) plus the ENT department is like a passageway, parents come without a mask, shoe covers, in a jacket and no one cares. The only plus, thank you very much to the surgeon of the ENT department, V.I. Eromkin, very attentive to children
My daughter and I were in neurology at the end of October, the doctors are very attentive, professional, they feed well.
See original · Русский
Level 4 Local Expert
October 12, 2024
There are 2 situations with this place. in April 2024, they put me in the ENT department in a ward with BOYS, to my requests that I be changed places with someone, because I couldn't even change clothes in the ward, they answered me: "so that then I can sit with the girls until one o'clock in the morning and not sleep?" as a result, I was not transferred to another ward, I just changed places brazenly. 2 situation. They were taken by ambulance to the hospital with a syncopal condition, headache and lack of oxygen. they examined us quickly and refused hospitalization, because this is "normal", prescribed a course of treatment, attention, 1 drug - it is nowhere to be found. 2 the drug - it can be taken after the age of 18, there are no analogues to it. 3 the drug is an allergy. we took a referral for hospitalization, the result is hospitalization only after 2 months! emergency hospitalization is also refused, because there are no places. the conclusion is that they will not help you until you fall to your knees.
in the neurological department, in principle, there are no disadvantages, except for food, doctors and a nurse are understanding, but there are many questions for a psychotherapist. I was diagnosed with anxiety, only because I did not grow up in a full family.
P.S. they did not help me in any way with a headache, Laura was transferred to neurologists, and those on the contrary, and in the end it turned out that I lay for 10 days without receiving any examination and treatment
+1 situation. recently I came to Laura with a sick barely hearing ear, and as it turned out, for the reason that I was in the ENT department last time, that is, the diagnosis was not mine, and it was just put at random, but what it actually was and is unknown (they said that I was fine, and objectively, I can hear perfectly well)
Many thanks to our attending physician M.A. Shlapakova and the head of the department. ENT Department of Neborskaya N. I., as well as all the staff of this wonderful hospital! Thank you all for the health of our children, for this hard work! You are the real heroes!
Hello. The opinion about the hospital was not the best , they were sent from the polyclinic after the picture for hospitalization with a diagnosis of pneumonia , but we arrived there , blood was taken from us , the head of the admission department came as I found out later (that she was the head herself ) , said in the picture pneumonia was not confirmed, but the child has 3 years of leukocytes 2.9, damn how so to refuse a small child with such tests ... we returned to the clinic our pediatrician was in wild shock how to let a child with such leukocytes go ... I am not a doctor and I understand that this is not a joke and a child is not 10 years old who can complain a hundred times. In general, in other respects and in general, the attitude of the nurses and the rest of the staff was friendly and good. But I 've always heard from my friends that the hospital is good , but the opinion has clearly changed . Fortunately, we went immediately to another infectious diseases hospital and solved all the problems with the tests, went there at the insistence of the pediatrician attending .
They sent us here to Lore, since there is no one of our own. We arrived on time , we found it very quickly . We got there just as quickly, without expectations, the doctor is a young girl, conducted an examination and told everything in detail, we continue the treatment, the result is positive, Thank you very much, thank you
We turned to the ENT doctor in room 607. The nurse rudely and irritably asked for information about the child. They began to wash their ears with HOT water, to which the daughter immediately reacted, screamed that she was hot, and began to cry. The water was replaced, but instead of apologizing and trying to calm the child, the doctor said in a dissatisfied tone: stop crying!
With an infant, they were not allowed to enter the parking lot. They told me to walk. The weather was cold. After such an attitude, I do not want to evaluate the work of the doctors themselves at all. But if we take doctors, then our doctor and nurse are satisfied with us.
See original · Русский
Svetlana Zayats
Level 13 Local Expert
September 19, 2024
A terrible place if they put a parent and a child for parents under no conditions (they will put them on one narrow bed, and if they don't like them, they scare them that they will put them in the corridor).As my child did not walk much after seizures and was not completely responsible for his actions, it was difficult to take the child under his arm and go to warm the food (since it was brought cold).And they could also do it, as in a children's infectious diseases hospital, the food is paid for parents, and do not think about who to ask to bring or where to go if the child is not left alone.There is no latch or closing door in the toilet. Of the advantages, these are doctors!
The impression is negative..the child has a fever and sore ears..we arrived at the reception department of the ENT on the 6th floor of the 407 office..We took an electronic queue ticket..the number 30 is on the scoreboard. We have a ticket for 45.. we waited for 40 minutes.. the queue is not moving at all..people in the queue are outraged.. some sit for 3 hours with one-year-old children.. There are two offices..doctors walk out of the office and talk on the phone without badges..they order pizza and are clearly in no hurry because they don't really care about sick children..as a result, we left without receiving emergency medical care. I do not advise you to come here.
I give the highest score because no matter how much I treated my children, they always received professional help from doctors! To whom they got - all attentive to the patient and the parent, tactful, As for queues when visiting the hospital by ambulance - well, what can you do. These are the realities of our life at this time)
The impression is ambiguous). Of the five examinations of ENT doctors, there is something in the 3 conclusions of the left frontal sinus, in the 2nd - in the right). This is despite the fact that an MRI was done. The child is 11 years old, they insisted on trepanation of the skull. I took it on receipt, under the talk that I was crazy, I urgently need to drill a hole in my head. I took him to the RNPC on Sukhaya street, where everything was done through the nose. And they turned to the troika with abdominal pain. They say her stomach can't hurt, everything is fine. Consult a psychologist. 😭😭😭. Something like that)
It so happened that I had to call an ambulance for the child. Young girls arrived, injected an injection, offered to go to this hospital for maintenance.The girls were polite and even held the door when we left. For this they are 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷. When we arrived, they brought us to the doctor-Lukina D. M. There are no questions here either.
But when the laboratory assistant came, there were a couple of questions about how / in what way and what kind of procedure will be performed in order to prepare the baby and not to introduce even more stress. Not only did she not answer 1 question, but she began to be rude! The name of the laboratory assistant is Asatryan T. V. I think that this person is not a competent employee in this field, so I would not like to entrust my baby to such an absolutely unsafe procedure, by the way! 1 star for the rudeness of Asatryan! An otolaryngologist (Urban E F), I think, could watch a small child more carefully. The inspection was made carelessly! 2 stars.
Not the conscious attitude of medical staff towards patients. If you are discharged today, it does not mean that you will receive a certificate today. I had to drive across the city and for tomorrow, and wait for more than an hour. Especially if the doctor is going on vacation